Driving Me Crazy (7/?) [Series: I Kissed A Boy]

Apr 16, 2009 16:40

 TITLE: Driving Me Crazy
AUTHOR: naddypants
CHARACTERS: Owen/Ianto, mentions of Jack and Jack/Ianto, Tosh, Gwen
SUMMARY: So, Owen is in Ianto's flat...what could possibly happen? ;)
WARNINGS: Man on man kissy kissy. Some other kinky smut-like things. 
A/N: Not much to  say really, but credit goes to  Read more... )

owen harper, i kissed a boy, ianto jones, ownto

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Comments 7

samueljames April 16 2009, 16:01:57 UTC
Happy to see an update on this and I hope they'll talk before Owen gets a chance to storm off.


naddypants April 16 2009, 22:52:55 UTC
I'm glad you like seeing updates of this! :D
And I'll have to work on it.
No guarantees though. Owen can be terribly abrupt. :P


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naddypants April 16 2009, 22:56:16 UTC
It was a bit. I really ought to cut down on those. :S

Lmao well it was the only thing I could come up with to make Owen feel a bit uneasy, in a subtle way. I'm glad it had the desired effect though!

And smut! I'm glad for the yay! I tried carefully not to overburden it with smooshiness, so it means quite a bit that you described it as an undertone! :D And that I did it brilliantly? *blushes* Thank you!

Lmao it was a strange way to do it I suppose, but YAY you liked it! :D

Ohh bless you! Thank you so much! :)


frakkin_addict April 16 2009, 21:38:15 UTC
Oh no! Way to put your foot in your mouth Ianto. Poor Owen, that's got to feel shitty.

Great chapter. :)


naddypants April 16 2009, 22:57:07 UTC
I know. They're both silly sods, aren't they? :P

Thanks dear! I'm glad you think so!


just_being_me08 April 16 2009, 22:46:01 UTC
*rushes in feeling rather flustered after her prolonged time in TOATA land* I'm sorry I'm late!! I spend far too long in there I think. But hey, lets get onto the fic shall we ( ... )


naddypants April 16 2009, 23:12:26 UTC
Woah now! Time in TOATA land is perfectly acceptable I think. :P Plus you already read it earlier! :D ( ... )


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