Boo-hoo, h-he's bohemian, nobody likes me, I'm not a herbal tea expert (EXCERPT!!! an aside an asideeeeeeeeeeeeeee HAHAHAH), nobody listening to my instrument. And a fine instrument it is too
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Is anyone doing/did anyone do anything particularly interesting for Easter? I literally haven't left the house for a whole week apart from to go to Asda. I feel so lethargic. God, I'm so boring LATELY. My cousin Sam said to me when she was 14 "If you're bored you become boring". It's true! If you stop doing stuff you don't want to do anything. I
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Hha, I was just at Crazylegs (not banned) at th croft and some semi-crusty bitch came up to me and wqas like"where did you get your hat?!?" all friendly etc. it was my cdonalds deerstalker hat. I and I was like "camden stables blha blha blkha " then after explaining to her where I got it she was like "you should take it back" in a half smug half
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Grrr, my neighbours are CUNTS. Who the fuck does DIY and building at this time of the morning?They've got a cement mixer in their back garden and they're drilling and hammering right in the next room to me and I haven't even been to bed yet. Yes I know I go to bed at abnormal times but surely the acceptable time to do DIY would be between 2pm and
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i think i've got S.A.D. (seasonal affective disorder not social anxiety disorder, although i've probably got that too). since the end of last week when it's been sunny i suddenly feel 'excitable' again and can get up before 5pm. the only thing is i feel tired by 3am, how am i supposed to go out?