makeste is back with an
essay of doom about Reborn and Tsuna. 8D Incidentally, there are spoilers in this essay about KHR's latest chapter, so don't click if you haven't read it yet. For my opinion on the subject, check the first comment on her page. Geeky debates make the world go round. >)
Debates aside, this chapter was fun and action packed, so I still felt like ranting a bit.
Spoilers start
When I first saw
this cover, I had two reactions: 1) yeah, Nana is clueless about her husband's actual job in organized crime and she is perfectly fine with raising children with superpowers on her own. A romantic and healthy relationship. Welcome to the Sawada house! 2) Okay, Iemitsu gets defeated in this chapter. Bring it! >D
Aw, and
it was so simple, too. I love how the keepers of the law are pros at beating the game. So that probably means Bermuda is guarding the watches on his own and enjoying a coffee while his Representatives do the dirty work off the records. I bet he is watching it all through spy cameras and cackling evilly somewhere.
How cowardly!Iemitsu: We are the mafia. Underhanded tricks, bribes and abuse of power. Come on Basil, I thought I taught you about those!
Vindice: I don't talk to lowly mortals. *attacks*
My loan! My house! D8 Oh shit, MY WIFE!
The man knows his priorities.
Heroic sacrifice through interposing in 3, 2, 1... CUT TO MUKUROU'S BATTLEFIELD! Amano, you tease.
Aw, a replaying of the first prison breakthrough. Surely this brings back memories. Is it just me or does contained fear make Mukurou look kind of cute? Never thought I would live to see the day.
Don't worry Fran, master pineapple fairy will protect you from the big bad shinigami! XD This scene was surprisingly sweet... Of course it had to end with a stab in the back. I'm pretty sure Mukurou is just an illusion, but whatever. Fran's empathic blue apple is win. Maybe he should apply for a job under Macintosh?
MEANWHILE the Varia are getting their asses handed to them by the shinigami and
honestly expect Xanxus to withdraw. They're getting soft.
Good thing Squalo is there to be badass with him. Xanxus/Squalo teamwork please? 8D
INSTEAD we get
the Arcobaleno reunion at the hospital. Damn. At least Fon is cute. I wonder if Reborn actually plans on "going all out" (now wouldn't that be a sight to behold?) or if by that he just means "pushing Tsuna until HE goes all out."
...Yeah, probably the latter. I have to admit though, if your job as a tutor is your priority over lifting your own curse, you are pretty dedicated. The Ninth sure knows where to pick his hitmen. LOOK, YAMAMOTO IS CUTTING CHAINS WITH A SWORD. 8D
Awesome first panel is awesome. 8) Gotta hand it to Reborn, so far Tsuna is growing up juuust fine.
And how did Reborn manage to teach him? Why,
by turning unsuspecting schoolboys into bodyguards, forcing Tsuna to form an alliance with a former (future?) world conqueror and mass-murderer, and making him fight his own friends, of course. "New combat experience", you know. That totally makes Reborn a great father figure. Just like Iemitsu. Gotta love mafia logic.
By the end of this arc, I would like to hear Reborn's backstory. He really doesn't seem to have any agenda of his own or personal interests aside from raising Tsuna and serving the Ninth. When did his job become everything to him? If he is so powerful and talented, such dedication is nothing to sneeze at. I wonder how he got there.