Title: Come Morning
Rating: T
Summary: Everything begins with his fall from the roof of a twelve-story building: his telepathy, the connection to the mutant community, and the dreams of a man he's never met.
Word Count: 16610
Started: April 14, 2012
Completed: June 9, 2012
Posted: July 6, 2012
Last Edited: July 6, 2012 (typo in Part 2)
Thank Yous: I owe much gratitude to
purplebloom500's lifesaving beta skills, the
xmrb_support chat group, and
celadonite's artwork and guidance. Without them, this fic would be very different.
This fic was also influenced by Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison, Indian Killer by Sherman Alexie, and "
Burning Room" by Wade Robson. For more notes, please see the playlist.
Author's Note: Written for
xmenreversebang and
celadonite's art. The art masterpost is
here and you should most definitely check it out and comment! The banners are also by the marvelous
celadonite. <3
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3 |
Part 4 |