Day 1361: Two-fer

Sep 09, 2018 21:59

The Good

Making it through the week! I made it. Thank heavens. Also learning SO MUCH at level 2 tatting. I really enjoyed myself and learned so many cool things. Sure my wrists hurt, but it was so worth it. Also I signed up for level 3 which has a much more reasonable schedule, just one night a week, same night as Cody has scouts, and as a general rule I will still be home before him, so yay!

Cody taught me to weld on Saturday. It was hard because the welding gloves were massive. My welds won't win any beauty prizes, but I can stick two pieces of metal together. It was a fun way to spend the day with him, and also learning something new gave me a pretty awesome sense of accomplishment. All things being equal, Cody is a good, pleasant teacher, so for that I am glad.

This weekend we watched the fights, me and Cody and Naomi. We ate pizza and watched some really good fights, and it was fun!

Also I found a new K-drama. I swear they're like fanfic made real. Body-swapping! Totally a thing in prime time TV over there, and not just in scifi. It's got a couple of actors I really like, so I'm having a good time.

The Lousy

Two trials in one week. I thought three trials in three weeks was bad. Two trials in one week was worse. Even though Monday was a holiday, Tuesday was an all-day trial, featuring a super irritating attorney who filed a motion in limine at 10:35 the night before trial. On a federal holiday. When even the courts were closed. He objected to everything and was generally the kind of attorney who even other attorneys dislike.

And we got a massive writing assignment out of it. So I'll be spending most of tomorrow writing. When I'm not in court.

The second trial was shorter but emotionally worse. Totally made that mom cry. She showed up halfway through trial and looked...horrible. Obviously she's been doing a lot of meth, with how bad she looked. She had needle tracks in her arms. She's lost a ton of weight since we saw her last. I laid out the precise statutory language for the basis of terminating of parental rights and she just started to bawl. I felt bad, but I had to do it for my client. I hope this is the wake-up call she needs.

My mom is having a rough time recovering from her knee replacement and my dad is struggling to meet her needs. They have a complicated relationship and I worry about them. Also they've been talking to me for relationship advice since I was like thirteen. As a teenager the best I could do was nod and smile. As an adult I'm probably not nearly sympathetic enough because I've been a lawyer for so long and I'm used to problem-solving when people come to me with relationship issues, because my job is one long string of other people's relationship issues.


Spirituality. Better! Way better than before. Still not great. Still progress to be made. But better.

Fitness. Went totally by the wayside with how exhausted I've been.

Work. Signed up for at test prep class. Hope that helps.

Writing. Has also gone by the wayside, mostly because my spare moments during the day this past week were taken up by tatting homework. Also because my words are kinda just...gone. Hope I get them back in time for deadlines...

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