Day 1362: Cramping my style

Sep 16, 2018 19:19

This week had its ups and downs.

The Good:

Hey world, I'm growing a human! Not for the first time. Hopefully not for the last time. But this time I found out and had a chance to call the doctor's office and get in and get some blood drawn for tests and get some medicine to hopefully smooth things along. Cody and I are both excited. And very nervous. We told our parents and a few select friends (read: just my friends) and also some other relatives. My niece is hoping to have a girl cousin so they can play dress-up.

Both of the trials scheduled for this week were canceled. WOOHOO!

Also we got the order back on the first of last week's trials. Hey guess what? WE WON! Well, the team I wanted to win won.

Speaking of winning, I won my first fantasy football match-up. We'll see how this week goes.

I learned cool stuff in tatting and have done well making tatting things. I am pleased with how much I've learned in a short time and how much better I've gotten.

Cody's birthday was this week, so we had a lot of junk food and were super lazy and it was super good times.

We watched the new Jack Ryan series. Good times! I have fond memories of the old Baldwin/Ford Jack Ryan days and even fond memories of the Chris Pine attempt. I refused to watch the Affleck version on principle.

The Bad:

I have had ENDLESS cramping. It's usually worse anywhere between midnight and one in the morning. By all reports - and I spoke to a medical professional - it's pretty normal, it's just my insides rearranging themselves to make way for the small human (who I've been referring to as Mini, but who from henceforth may well be known as Seedling). Still - I've been in lots of pain, and pretty cranky for it.

My teenage boy clients have been on a TEAR this week.

One of them was stupid and brought a cap gun to school and was arrested and thrown in jail because he's 18. This wouldn't be that big a deal if he weren't here illegally and liable to be get deported. Him getting deported wouldn't be that big of a deal, only he used to be a mule for a drug cartel and turned state's evidence, and if he gets deported to his home country, the cartel will find him and kill him. So I worked about twelve hours on Monday so I could swing by the jail and see him. A couple of deputies who also work security at the courthouses were there, let me in to see him. He doesn't seem to appreciate the gravity of what he's done. He reckons if he gets deported he can just jump the border again.

One of my other teenage boys brandished a firearm at his father. He claims it was just a BB gun, but his father is a hunter and firearm-savvy and identified it as a real firearm. That wouldn't have been so bad if my client hadn't then legged it and had police chasing him. If he'd pulled that gun on them, BB or otherwise, he'd be dead. And he just doesn't get why the grown-ups are being so serious about all this.

On top of it all, in order to do everything possible to make sure Seedling survives, I had to go cold turkey off of caffeine. This has made me a very grumpy bear indeed.


Work! Has been lame. The fox I have given have pretty much been zero.

Writing! Has also been downright terrible. Might have gone better if Dingo hadn't chewed up my smart pen. I reckon if I bust my tail I can make one deadline for my SGARBB, but other challenges are probably just...going to fail. :sigh: Seedling is stealing all my words.

Spirituality! Has been much better, for which I am pleased. Genuinely pleased.

Fitness! Has been terrible, what with the endless cramps and also the awful air quality. A new fire started this week. There was ash falling on our cars yesterday. On Friday night we could see the flames on the mountain from the interstate. It was...bad.

Here's to things going better this week!

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