All I want to do is sleep. All the time. I pulled a couple of chairs around in my office so I can literally kick my feet up and work with my laptop on my lap.
And also maybe turn off the lights and take a nap.
I've taken a lot of naps and indulged in puppy cuddles and slept in where I can. I feel low-grade nauseous all the time, and those ginger candies and the aromatherapy from my colleague help, but it's kinda irritating all the same.
It was a long week at work. In court four days out of five. In high conflict meetings pretty much the rest of the time. Had to lay all my cards on the table for a mother during mediation for a case in which we removed her children for the exact same reason they were removed three years ago.
The exact same reason. Same players involved.
After three years of intense services, there is literally nothing else we can do for that family except stop trying the same thing over and over again and expecting a new result.
Learned some cool new stuff at tatting, and that was fun, but I didn't end up going to dance. Instead I napped and ate pizza.
Also, had a miscarriage scare at the beginning of the week, scary enough that they got me in for an ultrasound that day (conveniently, the meeting I was going to skip to make the ultrasound was canceled on account of that boy trying to kill himself the night before; this job is so terrible sometimes).
Good news is baby is okay! At the time of the ultrasound, she measured six weeks on the nose, per the technician's report (my husband is convinced that Baby Seedling is a girl). Also, we got to hear Baby's Heartbeat! I didn't realize babies had beating hearts so early in the process, but it was super cool. Heartbeat sounded totally fine, no concerns. The doctor is still keeping a close eye on me, but so far so good!
I was less than pleased when the judge unnecessarily scheduled a hearing at the same time as my next ultrasound, so I had to reschedule it, and the next available date they had was when my husband is out of town on a business trip (fingers crossed for possible grown up job offer). Thankfully he was present for this week's ultrasound, so he got to hear Baby Seedling's heartbeat, and that's good.
I got to eat lunch with the new paralegal for reals, and it was super cool getting to know her. I think she will be a good fit for our office.
This week I went axe-throwing for the first time! It's a new thing around here. I went with my husband and my now celebrate his divorce from my sister getting finalized (which might make me the worst sister ever, but this is what's best for the kids, to have some stability and permanency afforded to them by settled legal arrangements). It was super fun! And I even did pretty good at getting the axe to stick. All those years of kendo finally paid off haha.
Saturday some of Cody's lab buddies came over and we all forged knives. Five in three hours, not including grinding and heat treat. And then we went out for pizza. It was fun! I super appreciate the skill Cody has acquired over the years, doing that over and over again. It was an awesome learning experience! We are hoping to get to together and finish handles this weekend.
Gonna be a long week at work, but that's okay.
We got this!
Me and my husband and our puppies and my ginger candies and my naps...