This past week was rough. Having Monday off was nice, but that just meant there was even more chaos packed into four days instead of spread out over five. The prosecutors had their statewide conference for two days, which dead mean no court for two days, so I went to team meetings and did my best to catch up on cases and also study for that exam (during which I almost fell asleep a few times, but oh well).
I need to study for that exam more. And better.
The week ended with a super long trial. It was scheduled for eight to noon. So naturally it ended at half past three. And during closing arguments the public defender stipulated to the finding the state had requested in its petition anyway. As in she was willing to agree to what the state was asking for and we didn’t have to do trial. I understand what happened, though. The day started with her client feeling pretty darn confident, but as the evidence piled up the writing was on the wall, and it was better to stipulate to a lesser finding than let all the evidence out there and risk getting hit with a more severe finding. Also the mother just wanted to tell her story, and there’s a certain merit in that as well.
Still. Unnecessarily long trial. Good times. Long trial did mean I got to avoid driving an hour south for a four-thirty home visit. I just called the kiddos instead. Good times.
I learned how to make split rings in tatting! Which is pretty huge. And also necessitated me resurrecting the wrong way I used to do tatting, haha. But hey, turned out that old muscle memory is still worth something. Haven’t touched my homework but I’m skipping class this week so I should be all right. I can get it done.
I went back to dance class for the first time in months. Trying to learn two dances in one night? Don’t recommend it. But I am pleased that I am a good enough dancer - and I know our teacher’s choreography style well enough - that as long as she calls it out, I can keep up with the other girls. Both dances are super cute. I just need to wade into the gun room and find my costumes and figure out what I’m going to wear. Good times.
Friday Cody was at camp out. I ended up going to dinner with some ladies from church, as their husband/father and sons/brothers were out at camp out with my husband. That was super fun. I had big plans to binge on K-drama and do laundry, but ended up going to bed early.
On Saturday I went to a baby shower for a work colleague. It was interesting, a baby shower that was literally all lady lawyers, because they were my colleague’s friends from law school. Only one of the ladies looked like a TV lady lawyer, all sleek and fashionable. Everyone else looked like, well, a mom. The coolest part was decorating onesies for the new baby. I started looking at nerdy onesies the other night, and I showed them to my husband, and he was pleased that I’d picked some nerdy chemistry ones, and he was also kind of terrified. It’s really happening, isn’t it? he said.
After the baby shower I went home, napped, did laundry, spent time with Cody, and then we went to a wedding for someone in the neighborhood, and then we had dinner after (though the dessert at the reception was delicious).
I spent all day Sunday in bed feeling super, super sick and tired. I ate some crackers and that was about it. Also I binged embarrassingly on K-drama and got the laundry folded. But it was kind of a rough day, all the same.
Spirituality! Good, but still could be better. Need to be more diligent about doing spiritual things in the morning so (a) they actually get done and (b) they benefit the rest of my day. Doing them at night when I’m half asleep is less useful.
Writing! Good, but still could be better. Got some really good days, and also a couple of zero days, though those bother me less and less.
Fitness! Lame, but with dancing again I am moving, if only to attempt to learn the choreography on my own from the practice videos. I’ve got one dance but not the other so far.
Work! I need to buckle down this week and do some reading in advance of next week’s lesson but otherwise I am doing good.
Here’s to a better week, and Baby Seedling continuing to grow well!