Day 1370: Thirteen Weeks and Counting

Nov 12, 2018 21:12

You know what thirteen weeks means? It means Baby Seedling has made it through the first trimester! Granted, once we made ten weeks that was further than we'd ever gotten before, but things look so much better once we're through the first trimester, so I am pretty darn excited...and also very scared, so there you go. But that's okay!

The Good:

My nephew's birthday party on Monday night. He's three now! And so cute. My seven-year-old niece can totally beat me at arcade car racing games, which is kinda sad, because it's a good nine years before she can even drive, but oh well, we had fun.

Henna Party on Tuesday night. So awesome. Ate pizza, had girl talk, gave each other awesome henna tattoos. Good times.

Dress rehearsal Wednesday night. So, so good! Had a fun time, and I am super pleased with how it all turned out. Got cookies and a chance to dance with my sisters.

Free breakfast on Thursday! After court the prosecutor noticed I was looking a bit down and she invited me to breakfast at a local diner. The performance on Thursday night went well, and we had a lot of fun. I got to see some amazing dances, including a tribute dance for a former instructor who is now disabled and no longer able to dance, and then after we went out for dinner.

Friday was a good night. Finally getting the hang of spinning with a wheel, and also I can now make two-ply yarn.

Saturday was my friend's birthday party, so I went and had junk food and we sat and talked, the old college gang, and it was wonderful.

Sunday was a good relaxing day, and also I cried as I watched the Google Doodle for Veteran's Day.

Today was a good day, because it was a day off. I went to see Bohemian Rhapsody with my friends, and we had food and went shopping, and overall it was good!

Also, on the human-growing front, nausea is way down! And I have a bit more energy! Woohoo!

The Bad:

Ugh. Last week was so, so long. Court almost every day. It was exhausting and frustrating.

Also, while the nausea is down, the migraines are back! And now I can't resort to my usual remedies, like migraine meds or caffeine, so on Thursday after court and free lunch, I went home and slept away most of the day to fend off a migraine. I stumbled out of bed and to the theater in time to block our dances on the stage, and then I fumbled into my costume. One of my friends who has some massage therapy training gave me a neck rub to help ease the pain, but most of my performance was sheer professionalism by the time I actually hit the stage.

I also had a headache most of Saturday, another migraine Sunday - because snow (at first I was appalled, and then I remembered it was mid-November) - and also most of today, and I still cannot stand the smell of stew, so my attempts to cook supper were not so rewarding for me.

Ivy and Dingo escaped the yard today. Luckily Ivy came back after I hollered her name a few times. Had to chase after Dingo, which was not fun. I accidentally dropped my keys and wallet in the neighbor's yard, but thanks to the magic of Tiles on both my keys and wallet, I found them in time to make it to the cinema to watch movies with my friends.

We had some kind of activity just about every night, so last week was crazy. Also the pump in our furnace is failing, so it's boiling hot downstairs but freezing upstairs. Some days there's no winning.


Fitness. What's that? It's napping and puppy cuddles. Mmmmm, napping.

Writing. A bit better, since I was hosting comment_fic, and I always make an effort to fill prompts on the week I host.

Spirituality. Really not that great, honestly.

Work. I am so done with this job, for reals. So done. It's like senioritis all over again.

Here's to surviving this week. Tomorrow starts with a bang - all-day trial with a pro se parent who thinks he's a lawyer but is really, really not. On the other hand, when I interviewed his kids, they told me all about what he's like when he's on acid, so I'll know what to look for tomorrow.

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