Spirituality! Is good but not great. I think it's on a general good trend, though, so that's what counts. I've been more consistent with reading my scriptures. Reading aloud to Olivia helps. Although doing voices for the characters seems...mildly sacrilegious? I mean, she doesn't know what I'm saying.
Fitness! I get way more steps a day as a stay-at-home mom than I did while I was working, but have no fitness routine to speak of. Yoga was too much for my still-healing abdomen. I tried to do one of my online dance class videos but only managed to get ten minutes in before Olivia started fussing. Finding a whole hour to dedicate to a video looks like a challenge, but I think that once I watch the video I can do my own drills for the rest of the week. I am pretty excited to be learning ATS. It would be more fun if I was learning with someone, though. The style is for improvisation and works well in a group. Only I have no group.
I am no longer counting home cleanliness as part of my check-in since I am pretty much cleaning house and doing laundry every day. Despite having multiple migraines I think I'm keeping up pretty well. I need to be better about piano practice. And writing. I don't write or do piano every day. I cannot remember the last time I knitted...
The Good:
I am writing a lot more. Having friends host on comment_fic helps. Also I have ventured into new fandoms! Not every new fandom inspires writing, but this one did. What can I say? I'm a sucker for pretty Korean boys. Have been since law school. Or maybe middle school, when the prettiest boy in the entire school was this Korean boy whose English name was Bennett. Also I thought I'd missed a deadline for one fic thingie but it turns out I did not so I am trying to meet it! I managed the Intoabar deadline, which tells me I am capable of meeting writing deadlines to some extent.
We got our fence installed. The electric radio system hasn't gone up yet, so Ivy and Dingo still need to be supervised in the yard, but they haven't escaped yet (knock on wood) and are generally pretty good about coming back inside when I waggle some treats. Getting out in the yard is good for them, and Olivia and I get to have some fresh air as well while they run around.
I am digging my calling as a Young Women leader. We went and got ice cream last week and are going hiking this week. Cody was able to take Olivia for several hours without her having a total freak-out, so that's good.
The Bad:
The migraines. And Olivia going through a two-night sleep regression. I spent all weekend feeling nauseous and exhausted and also like someone was trying to drive a railroad spike into one half of my skull. The day after a migraine I feel exhausted and wrung out, so I spent a good chunk of the week behind on my chores and feeling overwhelmed. Also my wrists are killing me, and a lot of household tasks like mopping and sweeping and holding Olivia through an entire nap makes them worse.
I've been tracking my days on a calendar just by marking hearts - big hearts for good days, small hearts for bad days, multiple hearts for great days. Despite migraines and lack of sleep, I have more good days than bad, and I know I have a good life, and I am grateful.
We're heading into another month. Olivia is 3 months old now, almost 100 days, and very chubby and happy.
Here goes!