watched blood diamonds today...
at the same time, i'm reading 'king
solomon's mines' for winter intensives,
this four week program that kids take
here during their winter break in order
to get that 'competitive edge' over other
anyway, i was struck by the parallels in the
book... over a hundred years after this book
was written, the precursor to the colonial
'adventure novel', countries and corporations
are still going into west africa and exploiting
the land and people...cnn is calling it a
promising market...this movie comes out an ant
carrying a little diamond on it's back, do you
know where your coffee/coco/coca is from?
looked up kola nuts, important in malian society
'often used ceremonially [wikipedia]'
i was beginning to forget the reason.
a friend of mine whose music i stole told me
to listen to immortal technique's song, 'dance
with the devil' and i did, and about seven
other tracks, and now i got the whole catalog
b/c i thought his flow was so good. he's born
one day after me...go fig.
where's my music? i'll b posting my new stuff
soon or /grndunfdthry for
the old shit, old shit is right ::i never got
the point of this track 'treefingers, if this
were a tape, i think it would be the track right
before u'd have to flip it::
music. i'm happiest when it's just me and a
guitar and i don't try and use all the patches,
loops, and effects that garageband came with.
still having a hard time writing...lack of sleep
and vocal disabilities notwithstanding, i need a
strong dose of inspiration. immortal was a exprsso
shot of post-millennium tension to get the blood
flowing, but now i need a reason to get me off the
respirator and onto my feet recording.