We have no power in our bedroom or bathroom due to the fact that when power was on it sparked. We're getting a master electrician out here to do the repairs to the wiring and to replace the exhaust fan in the bathroom. That's something I really want a professional to work on since while I have basic electrician knowledge and can switch out an electrical outlet in the wall or replace a switch, I have no experience with major wiring and that's major. That and the fact that the attic creeps me out. Seriously, cobwebs... BIG cobwebs. Thanks, but I'll let a pro handle THAT.
The hubby and I will be replacing the subfloor and vanity since those ended up with the major damage. Thankfully nothing else was majorily damaged since the fan seized and caused the part that caught fire to fall to the floor. We simply had no idea what kind of damage was done since the bathroom is in the interior of the house and there are no windows for exterior light. We brought in a spotlight and saw that while the ceiling had alot of smoke damage that it wasn't burned. The hubby went into the attic and checked the beams, those are fine and no damage to the surrounding area. The vanity and the floor are another matter since the fire was close to the vanity to burn that. THANKFULLY, because we caught it in time, it didn't catch fire to burn down the rest of the house but it's badly damaged that it'll need to be replaced. The floor and subfloor will need to be replaced but thankfully again, the previous owners when they replaced the flooring in the bathrooms and kitchen bought extra flooring so we'll be able to replace it with the same flooring in that portion of the bathroom. Both hubby and I know how to replace the subflooring so that should take us only a day or two at most.
John will probably come out to help us out with the plumbing since he's a plumber and while I know how to replace pipes, I really don't want to touch the toilet's plumbing. Yuk. And since the toilet is next ot the vanity and below the exhaust vent, well the toilet will have to come out while we replace the floor. Ick, ick, ick. Yea, John will do THAT part. lol
I think the two most expensive things will be the electrician's bill and the new vanity. Subfloors aren't expensive since it's just plywood. We have the flooring itself in the garage and just need to buy the floor glue, nails, chaulk, new toilet wax ring. John won't charge us for his work. The vanity will be around $600, maybe more, maybe less - I won't know until I go to Lowe's and Home Depot to see what they have that I want. One thing is for sure, I'm getting something with more storage options then what we had in the bathroom originally.
Smoke damage in our bedroom wasn't too bad after I let the room air out all day. I removed all the clothing in the bedroom, the bedding and the linens in the closet. Washed everything and put them in totes for now. Washed the walls and ceiling with Simple Green, Magic Erasers and lots of hot water - Smoke soot came off the walls easily (Magic Erasers really needs to be packaged in big blocks since I use them to clean glass since it's the only thing to remove hard water spots from glass). Our carpet cleaner friend is coming by this weekend to wash the carpets and wash our mattress. Thankfully, I never had anything in the bedroom that would be damaged by smoke soot. Kids = hide the breakables. So all my stuff was put away before hand and other stuff were packed in small totes since I like storing things in labeled totes. (I've seen one too many designing shows that do that with people's extra stuff.
I'm just thankful we caught it in time. If I didn't wake up because the box fan shut off we'd probably end up homeless since the fire was very close to catching the vanity on fire if it burned a few minutes more.