I really don't understand why people, especially so-called adults, feel the need to lie about other people, especially about other people online. Do they not think that the person's feeling aren't going to be hurt or that the person they're lying about won't be angry? For several months I've had to endure lies and backstabbing comments from people I once considered online friends. In the ten years that I've been online these are the first set of people I've ever encountered to be so bitter and hateful and down right spiteful. I could understand if they were in high school but some of these people are as old as I am and even OLDER!
I'm still baffled over WHY one particular person felt the need to lie about me when I quit a certain group. Yes, I left angry at someone else but damn, within days of me quitting the one person that I did not expect to become so hateful did. And for several months I've had to endure lie after lie being said about me. Frankly, lie all you want. It doesn't matter if you hurt my feelings because I know you don't give a shit about anyone but your selfish self. Just remember one thing - what goes around, comes around.
But seriously, grow up and act your age and if you can't then I suggest you seek professional help for your mental issues.