The eldest girl got home at 2:45 PM. My mother came home shortly before 3 PM. I was angry at both of them.
A few minutes before my mother came home, my eldest went straight to the computer to play the Sims 2. "I have no homework," she said which set me off because she's been saying that every day this week despite the fact she had an assignment due this morning. An assignment that she didn't do and would have ended up with a ZERO instead of a 5 if I didn't do it for her and had the hubby drop it off at school for her.
Let me start off this entry with that story. Two weeks ago, or so, she had open house at her school which I attended. At the open house for her 2nd period class, I found out she had an "arthropod" assignment due on the 22nd, today. I've harped on her since then to do it. The assignment was to find five different arthropods and label them. Yesterday, I reminded her that it was due and she said she'd "sketch" some instead. That's not what the assignment was and I told her so. Instead, she decided to watch Charmed. Fast forward to this morning, guess what! The assignment wasn't done. BIG SURPRISE!
Oh sure, I could have taught her a lesson and let her fail the assignment but considering that she's in an advanced class, the option to fail an assignment isn't there. So at 7:15 AM, I went outside - despite that I have a cold and horrible cough - and went looking for six different bugs. At 7:45 AM, she called me from school whining about the assignment (well for the crab shell that our crabs had shed last week). I told her she'd have it for 2nd period (by 8:30 AM). I couldn't find any damn bugs because it was so damn cold. After 8:15 AM, it became warm enough that the bees were finally out and I caught a honey bee and yellow jacket DESPITE the fact that I'm deadly allergic to bees. One sting and I could die. Nonetheless, I caught the damn bee and yellow jacket then went off in search of more bugs. I had to dig in the flowerbed, overturning rocks and bark looking for an arthropod. Finally I found a centipede. That's four, I thought the assignment was for six so off I went to look for a spider. At 8:30 AM I found the spider along with a beetle. I spent over a half hour, outside, in the cold, with a cold, looking for damn arthropods. Something SHE SHOULD HAVE DONE HERSELF! Hubby took them to her and she ended up with a 4 out 5 on the assignment - lost one point on being late.
So fast forward to 2:454 PM. She gets home and immediately goes to make herself a snack. No biggie. BUT what was the big deal was that instead of doing her homework, she went immediately to her dad's computer to play video games! She first nagged me to install the Harry Potter games I bought her, I said no, so then she asked if she could call her dad and ask him if she could. I said no, she needed to do her homework. Then, because she was pissed off that I said no, she sat there to pout. Now her little brother (the eldest of the boys, who is only five) had been sitting in the chair previously eating some chips and drinking a Caprisun. He wanted his food back but she wouldn't let him get it. Instead, in her rage, she KICKED him in the chest and sent him FLYING backwards! No, he didn't fall backwards from the push, he was - think like those cartoons where the character's feet and arms are straight in front of him and the he's going backwards - he FLEW backwards, slamming flat against the wall. She could have cracked his skull and I was FURIOUS myself about it and told her to get off the damn chair and computer and go to her room. I then called my hubby after checking my son to see if he was ok.
As I was on the phone, the bitch (whom I call my mother) came home. Now, I was already in a pissy mood with my daughter and irked that she (my mother) made me miss the appointment for my twins. I told her, and I wasn't mean about it, "Ah, it's the other one whom I mad at." So she gets on my case because I'm telling the hubby what my daughter did to my son. I get off the phone with the hubby and tell her that because of her gambling, that I had to cancel the appointment with twins and now they won't be able to attend pre-school thanks to her. Then we get into it even more - I'm telling my eldest that I'm fed up with her and her sibling not turning in their homework or doing their homework. This was the 2nd assignment in almost as many weeks that I've done for the eldest. The youngest girl didn't even bother doing her homework this week. I'm fed up with it and told them so.
My mother decides to throw into my face that "you don't clean, cook or do laundry." To which I threw back, "well, considering I'm not ALLOWED to cook because I'll burn down the house and that you wake up at 5 AM to do the laundry and clean house, how can I do those things? Besides, I've NEVER asked you to do those things for me. You cook and clean because you want money out of us. You're the one who calls herself a maid and a slave. I never ask you to do those things. The only thing I DO ask is that you watch one or more of the kids when I need to run errands. That's it. I know it's hard to watch them all the time which is why I decided not to open my own business and why I don't get a job. I can't. The kids all have weird school hours and get out at different times. P has those extra therapy sessions with the occupational therapist and speech therapist on Monday, Wednesday and Thursdays. The girls have early release on Wednesday. T has clarinet lessons in the afternoon. B will have choir on Mondays. All I needed you to do was watch P today while I took the twins to the testing to get into preschool. They were set to go but now won't be able to until NEXT YEAR because I had to cancel this appointment!" She yells at me that I could have taken P with me to it. Now that just pissed me off more because I couldn't. P distracts the twins and I TOLD her over the last two weeks AND THIS MORNING that she had to watch P until 2:45 PM when T got home from school then T would have watched him. I'd have been home by 3:30 PM. But no, her bingo, her gambling was more important then her watching ONE child for 45 minutes! Then she tried to say that I could have left P with my hubby! Ugh! No, because we own a computer store and he can't be playing in there! And what of T? She didn't have her keys with her. I LATER found out the hubby left the keys with her at school BUT regardless, it turns out she LEFT the keys at school! So she would have been locked out until someone got home.
I'm not a physic. How was I to know that my mother would be home 10 minutes after my eldest got home? I couldn't take the chance of leaving her left home alone, locked out. She's NEVER been home by herself. The times I HAVE left her home, she still had the twins with her so she wasn't really alone. The LAST time I left her alone with the twins, she fell asleep and left the twins by themselves! Nope, never, ever again.
So the psycho, that is my mother, moved out because I "kicked her out again." And again, that's complete bullshit because the only thing I said was that, "why are you living with us when you don't want to help us?" I kept telling her that she was NEVER asked to do the laundry or cooking or dishes or housecleaning. That's my job. The only reason she decided to take it upon herself to do was so she can milk $60 a night out of the hubby to go play bingo. Do the math. $60 x 30 days = $1,800 for bingo! Like last night she tried to get money out of the hubby, who told her he didn't have any so she came to me and asked for money. I told her I didn't have any either but I did as does he. I'm tired of her throwing it into my face that she does all the housecleaning and cooking when I NEVER ASKED her! I never told her, "if you're going to live with us then you need to do all this stuff." NO. I've only asked her to watch the kids from time to time so I can run errands. Like on Monday mornings, I need to pick up P from school at 11:25 AM. So I leave at 11:10 AM, get to the school and get home by 11:40 AM. Oooh, a half hour of watching the twins! OMG! I'm asking so much from her!
I can never depend on her for anything important. She KNEW that the meeting was important for the twins. She knew that I was fearful that they could have inherited what ever motor skill problem the middle three have. She knew I wanted them to be in pre-school to get the developmental treatement that the middle three missed out on at that age. But who cares because because her damn gambling was more important then her grandsons.
If she wants to move out for ever, that's fine for me. Yes, it'll make it more difficult on us - on me - to do quick errands or spend necessary time with the others for their needs but I'll figure out a way. Least I'll save nearly $2,000 a month instead of seeing it go down the drain in gambling.