My eldest daughter is now 12 and in the 6th grade. She's very intelligent and in advanced classes. One of her electives is band and she plays the clarinet. She says she's first chair in her class but I don't think that her teacher has them in those placements. Mr. P, her teacher, also has two Jazz bands for the 7th (Jazz I) and 8th grade (Jazz II) which are by tryout only. This year there was enough interest for there to be a Jazz III band made up of 6th graders and of course my monkey wanted to try out. The instrument she wanted to play - the Baritone Saxophone. Yesterday was Jazz III tryouts.
Now, Alto Saxes are small, cute and lightweight... the Bari Sax... the total opposite (
listen to it). It's huge, heavy (very heavy) and isn't so cute. I kid not about the size, it's HUGE!
Her's has been nicknamed "Monster" because it's almost as big as she is. She complains about having to take Monster to school because she has to carry both her sax and clarinet. Oh well, that's her problem since I warned her that Bari Saxes are HUGE. She should have picked the Soprano Saxophone (the tiny one on the far right) or a Tenor Saxophone but nope she wanted Monster.
So for the last month she has had private lessons every Friday. Cost for her 1/2 hour lesson, $15 plus she now takes Clarinet lessons from him (same day) for another $15. $30 a week in lessons, $120 a month for Bari and Clarinet. So for the last three lessons, she's been practicing with her tutor the Jazz tryout music BUT she hasn't been practicing and that's the problem. Monster is so heavy that she has trouble with it but I told her if she didn't make Jazz III then she can return Monster and learn a smaller Sax like the Soprano Sax or even the Tenor Sax.
Yesterday she had tryouts and decided to leave Monster at school. That was fine as she didn't need monster for tonight's band concert. Today they found out who made it and who didn't. Today was also early release and she stayed after school to help set up for the concert tonight. She called to have me pick her up and I asked her if she made Jazz III. She sounded so disappointed when she told me no, she didn't make it. Well we had the discussion if she didn't make it then she could return Monster and learn something else. She agreed to try something else and tryout for Jazz II next year. I told her I'd call her music tutor to let him know she was dropping Sax lessons but would take an hour of Clarinet instead, I never did get a hold of him today though.
Tonight was her band concert, playing the Clarinet, Xylophone and sleigh bells. She did very well - only one squeak and that's only because the Clarinet needs to be repaired as there is a damaged valve in the higher notes. I was very proud of her. After the concert I went to talk to Mr. P to see what other instruments were in Jazz II so she could try something else and get practice for tryouts in May. My conversation with him went something like this:
Me: Hi, Mr. P. Teria told me she didn't make Jazz III so we were talking about it. She said if she didn't make it if she could try something else.
Mr P: ::shocked expression on his face:: What?! No! No! No! She made Jazz III, she's 2nd chair. Didn't she tell you?
Me: ::now with the shocked expression:: Really!? Because she came home so disappointed because she didn't make it.
Mr. P: Oh, I'm so sorry! No, she made it. Have her see me tomorrow for her papers.
Me: Ok! She'll be thrilled to know she made it. She's been so moody since she came home because she really wanted to be in Jazz III.
Mr. P: Have her come see me.
I went and told the hubby that she indeed made Jazz III and then went to tell her step-mom and papa (who had gone to the concert as well) the news. We all thought she didn't make Jazz III. Finally she gets back from the band room (she was helping put things away) and I gave her the news, she was so thrilled - her face lit up. We went to see Mr. P who told her that she did indeed made Jazz III and was 2nd chair. Her face just lit up even more when he gave the news and she hugged him. It was just so sweet.
Well, least shopping her for Xmas will be easier. She's getting a new case for her Clarinet. It's a pink box to match her backpack and coat and can be carried like a sling bag (so she can stop complaining about having to carry both instruments by hand). A higher end ligature for both the sax and clarinet, new reeds for both (and her Bari Sax reeds are $50 for a box of 10), a stand for her Clarinet and a stand for her Bari Sax. A harness for the Bari Sax. Her stuff is going to cost us around $200, I'll figure out the exact cost tomorrow when I go to the music store to order the Clarinet stand and Bari Sax stand. MAYBE a new case for the Bari Sax or maybe I'll just stick some wheels on her case. Looks like Monster is here to stay.
Last night the 2nd eldest had her choir concert. The marimba band was really good. She was so shy up on the stage. It was her first year in the school choir. She sang with her class and with her group. It was so cute. She wants a violin for Xmas, maybe she'll get it or maybe a piano since she wants to learn that as well. Piano would be fine for me since I know how to play it, somewhat, so I could help her with that. We'll see what Santa brings.
I'm so tired. I'm glad they have no more concerts or stuff going on school this week. I'm tired! #2 has one more concert next week and that's it for the season. #1 has three more band concerts and one Jazz band.
Oh crap, I just remembered, #3 is in chess club so she still has that going on Fridays. Bleh, don't I get ANY rest? Monday, Wednesday and Thursday - #4 has speech therapy, Tuesday and Thursday #5 & #6 has school in the afternoon (I get them ready beginning at 10 AM, they catch their bus at 11:40 AM) and I pick them up at 3:15 PM. Wednesdays I drop #1 at school with Monster. Friday, chess club for #3 (4 PM) AND clarinet/sax lessons for #1 (5 PM). Tired. Tired. Tired. And to make matters worse, my van's heater decided to quit over the summer (along with the A/C) and now mom's van (which I've been using because it does have a heater) starter died today so I get to drive around in a cold car, yeah, until next week when her car will be fixed.
#3's main Xmas present is going to thrill her. It's a custom made table with a chess board painted onto it. She was given a Harry Potter Wizard Chess set for her birthday and while it comes with a chess board, it's just not very good so I came across
this table. It was the perfect idea/gift for her so I'm making hers on Friday.