The eye exam found something

Jul 07, 2007 00:02

And if it weren't for the fact that my glasses broke I'd have avoided the eye doctor even longer. Hell, my prescription glasses and sunglasses along with the exam, ended up costing me slightly under $700. Yup, I'm very nearsighted with an acute astigmatism and very misshaped corneas. Specifically I'm -650, -675 (spheres); -200, -150 (cylinder); x003, x006 (axis).

Well the doctor had two new machines that I've never seen before, one shined a bright light in your eyeball before this "explosion" took place to take a picture of the inside of the eyeball. The other examined the back of the cornea. The veins in my eyeballs are healthy however, and the however part is what I disliked hearing, however there is an opaque growth on the back of my right eyeball that is tearshaped. The doctor said this could be the reason why I have headaches, why I have the feeling of someone squishing my right eyeball. He said nothing can be done about it other then to keep an eye on it (no pun intended).

It was weird seeing the inside of my eyeball but nice to finally know what might be the true cause of my headache. He also prescribed a lower prescription for my lenses to give my eyes a break since the previous ones might have also contributed to my headaches from overworking my eyes.
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