I dont know if anyone will be interested in this but i thought to upload it anyway. Its Native American rock. One song is from the 1970's and the others are from the 80's/90's and have Goth and Psychedelic styles to them. There all really good! So if anyone would like you can download them
Comments 10
I remember Days of Thunder when it came out, i never saw it though.
The songs i uploaded are by two bands, RedBone who is Native American and The Cult who isnt. There half British half American but the vocalist was facinated with the native culture and therefore the majority of there music is influenced by that. Its very non-traditional since natives dont do the whole goth and psychedelic thing in there music. But i love that its so different. And i also like that he stuck to true facts and didnt create something that would be the total opposite of the culture, just the sound is the total opposite but his lyrics are true and it shows his understanding of the cutlure which he spent almost his whole life studying. =D
I *love* The Cult! My fav. of theirs is 'Spiritwalker'!
I love The Cult to. My favorite is She Sells Sanctuary.
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