1. Real Name: Monica
2. Preferred Name: Ireth
3. Gender: Female
4. Age: Less than 2 weeks to 21. |D
5. Place of Birth: South New Jersey, USA
6. Television Show: Assuming you mean non-anime, then Psych. But there are a lot I love.
7. Movie: Road to El Dorado, The Little Princess, Finding Neverland, any Miyazaki film.
8. Book: Good Omens, Moshpit, Smoke and Mirrors, a lot of others.
9. Animal: Fennec Fox, Snow Leopard, and Mountain Lion/Puma/Cougar/Whatever you wanna call it. Haha.
10. Character from One Piece: Sssssaaaaaanjiiiiiiiii. Then Kaku, Brook, Usopp and Law. But I seriously don't hate any of them.
11. Food: American-Japanese/Chinese or Italian.
12. Beverage: Water or Pomegranate or Orange Juice.
13. Marine or Pirate: Pirate!
14. White or Black: White~
15. Chinese or Japanese: I like both. D: Food, culture... Everything.
16. Large or Small: Medium? :B I guess small.
17. Angel or Demon: Demon.
18. Apple or Orange: Orange, I guess. I prefer berries and melons, though. C:
19. Manga or Anime: Manga!!
20. Large Dinner or Light Snack: Large dinner. C:
21. Describe yourself in three words: Sarcastic, giving, dorky.
22. Role-models: My mom. There is no one else.
23. Pastimes: ...Isn't that like hobbies? Uh. Hiking, reading, watching tv.
24. Hobbies: Writing, cooking, eating (haha!).
25. Least Favorite Characters: In One Piece? Probably, like, Miss Merry Christmas. I'm pretty sure she's the only one I don't like. Sorta Teach or Eneru, I guess... But they have their uses, so!
26. Things you like about yourself: My confidence, my open-mindedness, my tolerance? If you're looking for physical uh... hair, eyes, legs/hands.
27. Things you dont like about yourself: My health in general (so many problems you don't even know), short attention span, temper.
28. Things you're good at: Writing, drawing somewhat I guess. Math. Swimming. Not sure.
29. Strong Points: That I'm caring and loyal, eager to learn new things, and that I don't easily get depressed by anything. C: Optimism prz!
30. Weak Points: UH. I don't have that much patience for things, I'm very much a perfectionist (though that can be a strong point too I guess) and... I don't know. There a lot of things, but none of them are that significant, in my opinion.
PICTURES~ (these are a couple years old, but. I haven't changed much)