1.) Where did you ring in 2007?
casa de autler
2.) What was your status by Valentine’s Day?
3.) Were you in school (anytime this year)
try all year
4.) How did you earn your keep?
i am an expert saver/coupon cutter.
5.) Did you ever have to go to the hospital?
6.) Have you encountered the police this year?
yes, refer to #5
7.) Where did you go on vacation?
i went to atlantic city for thanksgiving?
8.) What did you purchase that was over $500?
hmm. car insurance? ER bills?
9.) Did you know anybody who got married?
yes i do
10.) Did you know anybody who passed away?
yes i do
11.) Have you ran into anybody you graduated high school with?
working on it
12.) Did you move anywhere?
13.) What sporting events did you go to?
basketball games and way too many football games
14.) What concerts did you go to?
negative, if you're excluding the fancy smancy gov school concerts
15) Are you registered to vote?
registered republican :)
16.) If so, did you do your patriotic duty on Nov. 7?
boo, you whore
17.) Where do you live now?
18.) Describe your birthday:
junior prom hahahaha.
19.) What’s the one thing you thought you would never do but did in 2007?
well, let's keep that on the dl
20.) What is one thing you regretted this year?
handling certain people in an immature manner. losing my temper/calm when i probably shouldn't have.
21.) What’s something you learned about yourself?
i have problems that i need to work out, but i also know how to fix these problems, and i plan to do so
22.) Any new additions to your family?
23.) What was your best month?
march was really great, i loved april, june was good, july was awesome, october was a lot of fun. so basically i HATED january, february and september.
24.) What pop culture event will you remember 2007 by?
ugh i have no idea
25.) How would you rate this year with a scale from 1 (crappy) to 10 (amazing)?
8 on a bad day; 9 on a good day
1. Overall, have you had a good year?
as hard as this year was, i'm really going to miss it
2. What has been your biggest achievement?
finding out that there's a lot of bounce at the bottom
3. Did you take any exams, Pass?
4. Have you had your birthday yet?
like, eight months ago
5. Have you been on Holiday?
as in a vacation?
6. Where (list and when)?
7. Have you bought anything expensive?
nothing really comes to mind...
8. Have you had a job?
i'm looking, okay?
9. Made any big decisions?
yes i have
10. Lost a friend or loved one?
no one very close, knock on wood
11. Met anyone amazing?
james, christie, leila, petra, piers, bea, samuel, and the rest of gsoa 2007 & luke
12. Made new friends?
gov school :)
13. Moved house?
not yet, buddy
14. Changed College?
trust me, can't wait
15. Tried something new?
yeah haha
16. Been more happy or sad?
overall? happier.
17. Made any enemies?
i hope not, but maybe?
18. What music will you remember from this year?
i'll get back to you, i have an entire list
19. What movies have you seen at the cinema this year?
hairspray, juno, superbad, blades of glory, and others that i can't remember
20. What was your best night out?
there were a lot
21. What was your worst night out?
hah i can think of plenty.
22. Best Day?
december 11. august 17. july 14.
23. Worst day?
i don't think i've had 'worst' days, just days that pile on top of each other.
24. Best month?
i loved so many
25. Worst month?
february, hands down
26. Was summer a gooden'?
i think so?
27. Have you made better friends with anyone?
28. Lost any friends?
29. How many people have you kissed in the year of 2007?
30. Did you have your heart broken?
twice, actualy
31. Made any plans for next year?
be happier, be nicer, be more outgoing, etc.
32. Got drunk?
33. How many hair colours have you had?
34. Got pierced?
no thank you
35. Got inked?
no thanks again
36. Changed your image?
nothing drastic
37. Missed anyone?
of course
38. Enjoying this survey?
it's giving me something to do
39. Know what you want in the future?
an outline mas o menos ?
40. Regret anything?
didn't i answer this before?