100 questions meme

Jul 01, 2008 18:13

Oldie but a goodie!! I'm doing this only in regards to my Volks, because I have too many to do it for all of them, and I think that's what it was originally geared towards anyway.

1. What is your name and birthdate?
Bianca, October 20th

2. How long have you been interested in dolls?
January 2004

3. How many SD dolls do you have?

4. What is/are the name(s) of your doll(s)?
Shindoni, Leif, Jorie, Otonashi, Lennox, Spanky and Carrick.

5. What type of SD do you have?
SD girl, SD boy, SD13 boy, MSD boys, SD16 girl, Yo-SD girl.

6. Do you believe in Fate?
not really

7. Who is the manufacturer of your doll(s)?

8. What was your first reaction when you saw your SD for the first time?

9. Have you shown your doll off at a Doll Show?
Yeah, all three NYC Dolpas.

10. Which do you prefer? Commercial SDs (such as Kyon customed dolls) or customizing your own SD?
Both. Sometimes I'm not skilled enough to create the doll I want, but I like DIY a lot.

11. How do you feel about Commercial SDs?
I like them.

12. Did you create a personality/background for your doll(s)?

13. What type of relationship do you have with your doll (ex. Beloved daughter, friend)?
Friends I guess. I'm their landlord XD

14. Does your SD have a nickname?
Shindoni= none
Leif= Weify(pronounced "WEE-fee")
Jorie= it is his nickname, his full name is Joringel
Otonashi= Oto
Lennox= Len, Lenny-baby
Spanky= is her nickname as well, but others are Spankster, the Spankinator, Spanks
Carrick= none

15. What special meaning does your doll's name have?
They don't have any special meanings XD

16. Does your SD have a special seat/place in your room? If so, where?
I have two shelves for them, and every night one or two of them gets to sleep on my bed.

17. Did you buy a chair specifically for your SD?

18. Does your SD have accessories of her own? (ex. pets, toys, hairbrush)

19. What hard to find items do you wish you could get for your doll?
I dunno

20. What is the most expensive thing you've bought for your doll?
Bodies? XD Maybe Otonashi's kimono.

21. When you go out, do you take your doll with you?
Not unless I'm going to a meetup or bringing them to see a friend.

22. If so, where have you taken your doll?
NYC, friend's houses, conventions

23. Is there a regular place you take your doll out to?
To the city for meetups.

24. If you do take your doll out of the house, how do you carry her? (ex. SD violin case, backpack,etc)
I use a carrying case, one from Dollshe or DOD.

25. When you do take your doll out, is it easy to do or do you find it's more trouble than it's worth?
It's more trouble than it's worth. That's why I only bring them if we're going to a meetup.

26. Does your doll have a friend? Do you think your doll wants a friend?
Sure, I guess.

27. If you could build your dream FCS for free, what would it be?
OMG, I've dreamt of this for so long!!! Okay, she'd be a whiteskin SwD Lucas on SD16 girl body, with thick soft eyebrows, sandy brown hair, and a listless expression. It's the only doll I can think of that could possibly rival Lennox in beauty <3

28. What is your favorite optional head?
The old discontinued optional heads. <3

29. What is your least favorite optional head?
Maybe... Shiratori, or SDC Ren? I don't really dislike them, they're just not that exciting for me.

30. What type of fantasy head would you like to see produced?
I love robots, so anything with robot options is awesome <3

31. What is your favorite wig for your doll?
Shindoni: An old brown center parted CH wig
Leif: Kstarr custom
Jorie: sandy brown DOD wig
Otonashi: Milk blue Leekeworld center parted wavy wig
Lennox: leekeworld black bob
Spanky: Volks W-101N-16T in Cream(http://www.volksusa.com/w101n16t.html)
Carrick: Volks W-104N-30 in Brown(http://www.volksusa.com/w104n30.html)

32. What made you choose your SD out of all the various types?
Shindoni, SD Megu: when it came time for me to add an SD girl to the crew, I thought I'd want a busty mature girl. But the more I looked, the more I couldn't keep my eyes off the 4 sisters mold. It had to be her.

Leif, Old F-10: I saw ravendolls selling him, and fell head over heels. I love the old super stylized anime heads, and he was painted unlike I'd ever seen. I had to have him.

Joringel, MSD F-04: shortly after I got Leif, I was browsing the marketplace and saw this little doll and screamed, "OMG MINI LEIF!!!" I PM'd the seller 5 minutes later, and he was mine! Leif's little brother came to live with us.

Otonashi, SD13 Heath: Whilst browsing Y!J, I saw this INCREDIBLE Heath head that didn't just steal my heart; it ripped my ribcage open, took my heart out, and put it in a glass jar marked "mine". Now, I didn't like Heath. I downright hated him. But this one was different. I PM'd Kei in a frenzy, and she bid on him for me, and we won! In honor of her help, I made his middle name Kei.

Lennox, Reisner head on SD16 girl body: I needed a woman in the family. Not just a girl, but an honest to god VA-VA-VOOM woman. I couldn't find a head that worked! None of them were that perfect mix of slightly masculine features and sex appeal. Then at a meetup I saw a floating Reisner head and BOOM, like a lighting strike it hit me. This was my woman! Of course she needed the most bombastic body out there. So SD16 it was! Whatever Lennox wants, Lennox gets.

Spanky, Yo-SD Tanpopo: Jenny's itty-bitty ebil blue terror of a doll made me was a Yo in the worst way. I liked Tanpopo's chubby cheeks and lips and large eyes, so I picked her.

Carrick, MSD F-03: After struggling to find the perfect head to be a robot girl, I finally found the perfect head!... 4 weeks before it was being discontinued. Scambled up the money for it, and got it in the nick of time! Too bad the head didn't wanna be a robot girl. It became my narcissistic pretty boy, Carrick.

33. Do you change your SD's wig often and have you tried styling the wigs?
No, and no.

34. How many wigs do you have?
a lot

35. How many shoes do you have for your doll? Does your doll have socks too?
I think they have a lot, but they think there's always room for more. No, they don't wear socks.

36. What types of clothing does your doll wear? (name in order of favorite styles)
Casual, street, cute, lolita

37. Where do you purchase your SD clothing?
Usually secondhand.

38. Do you sew clothing for your doll?
Occasionally. I am able to, but prefer to buy.

39. Do you plan on dressing your doll as an anime character? If so, who?

40. Do you make accessories for you doll? What kinds?

41. Have you made doll items that you plan on selling?

42. Do you sew/knit/crochet and for how long?
I sew, I dunno for how long.

43. Is there a type of music that you listen to when you are with your dolls?
Whatever's on the radio, from Pink Floyd to Flo-Rida ;P

44. Have you ever thought about opening a doll shop?

45. Do you have a specific area in your home where you keep your SD?
My room

46. For how long did you know about SDs before you actually got your SD?
One year.

47. Do you carry your doll around in the house?

48. Is there a special place in your house that you like to sit with your doll?
On my bed, at the computor, sometimes watching a movie.

49. What are the comments you have heard in regards to your doll, after others have seen it in person?
They're usually impressed, and almost never creeped out.

50. Does your doll have their own website?

51. What is the color of your doll(s) eyes now? Also give the size of eyes, too.
Shindoni: Old CH Green-grey glass, 20mm
Leif: Old CH blue glass, 18mm
Jorie: Light blue HG glass, 18mm
Otonashi: Ginarolo special eyes, teal 16mm
Lennox: Ginarolo special eyes, purple with yellow ring around iris, 16mm
Spanky: Ginarolo special eyes, apricot colored, 16mm
Carrick: caramel HG eyes, 16mm

52. What is your favorite eye color for your doll(s) and why?
I love brown eyes, they're the most warm and welcoming. I love to stare into the eyes of my brown eyed dolls the most.

53. How often do you change the eyes?
Not often.

54. How many different pairs of eyes do you have for your doll
Not many. They mostly each have one set pair.

55. Do you believe your doll has a "soul"?

56. Do you talk to your doll?

57. When talking to your doll, how does she address you?
It's a one sided conversation! XD

58. How do men react to your doll?
Mostly uninterested, unless they want my number... then REALLY interested ;P

59. What was your favorite childhood doll growing up and why?
A stuffed moose doll named Maynard. He's so cuddly and floppy.

60. Did you have to sell items from a personal collection to raise money to purchase your doll?

61. If so, what did you sell?
Other doll stuff, lolita clothes.

62. How much do you spend on your doll a month? What is the maximum you would spend?
Oh jeez....... maybe $200-250ish? That's a conservative estimate @_@

63. Have you purchased something you regretted later?

64. Do you like buying clothing sets for your doll?

65. How often do you change your dolls clothing?
Not that often XD I don't get tired of seeing them in the same thing for about a month.

66. If you could take your doll anywhere with you in the world, where would that be?
Tenshi no Sato of course!

67. Have you ever done something to your SD and felt bad about it? (ex. leaving her naked all night, dropping her)
Yeah, I left Lennox standing on the floor and she fell and broke one of her beautiful delicate fingers off ;_; I'll never forgive myself for that. Also, I tripped and fell on te sidewalk carrying Jorie, and one of his fingernails chipped. That's not so bad, because I can buff it out XD

68. What paint brand do you use on your doll?
Zoukeimura, liquitex

69. If you were stranded on a deserted island with your doll, what 3 things would you want for your doll to have?
Some shade(bad UV rays), Mr Clean magic eraser, and a cell phone to call for help? XD

70. Does your doll have a girlfriend/boyfriend?

71. Does your doll have siblings (ex. brother/sister)?
Yes, Jorie and Leif are brothers, Shindoni may or may not have a younger sister, and Spanky is the younger sister of my CH Irang.

72. Will you pierce your doll's ears?

73. Have you given your doll a manicure? What color?

74. Did you do the esthetic process on your doll?
I have on previous dolls.

75. If so, are you glad you did?
Yeah, sanded seams are nice!

76. If not, why not?

77. If you could change anything they did with the SD body, what would it be?
Smaller ball joints on the elbows of the MSD body.

78. Have you sueded and wired your doll?
Yeah, it's a pain but it's soooo worth it. For the oldskin SD body, it's necessary!

79. If your SD could be friends with any other SD, which SD would it be?
The sexy sexy tanned Yori they use for make up examples. Yummmm <3

80. Do you plan to get more SDs in the future?

81. If so, which SDs?
Nagisa, tanned Rio, Yuh, Kasumi.

82. Do you change the paint on your SDs often?
Not often, but sometimes I have to.

83. What is your SD?s favorite color?
Shindoni: green
Leif: blue
Jorie: light blue
Otonashi: teal
Lennox: purple
Spanky: yellow
Carrick: I don't know

84. In general, what is your SDs mood or look?
Shindoni: Cute, sweet, sporty
Leif: Quiet, pensive
Jorie: Innocent, happy, cute
Otonashi: Calm, wise, ethereal
Lennox: Strong, impressive, sleek
Spanky: Cranky, spoiled
Carrick: Pretty, well groomed

85. Describe your SD's favorite outfit.
Jorie: His grey and black bunny outfit from Volks! With the black bunny hood!
Otonashi: His kimono
Lennox: Her skin tight jeans and black halter top.
Carrick: cocoa colored prince set

86. Does your SD have a formal name? What is it?
Only Leif and Jorie have full names, their last name is Thassel. Otonashi's middle name is Kei.

87. Do you have any colored wigs for your SDs? (green, pink, blue, purple, etc) Which ones?
All colors, pink blue, orange, green, purple...

88. What SD would you like to see in the future?
More ebony skinned ones!

89. If you have more than one SD, do you favor one over the others?
Yes, I favor Lennox more than the others.

90. Is your SD for display only?

91. Do you have any brand name clothing for your SDs?
SADOL ALL THE WAY!!! Volks, Cheerydoll.

92. Is there any SD you regret not buying?
Yuh, Kasumi.

93. Do any of your friends own SDs?

94. Do you have SD get togethers?
At meetups.

95. Have you lied about the true cost of your SD to your family or friends?
Yes XD

96. Do you think of yourself as being obsessive about your SD? If so, explain?
Uhh... a little, hehe!

97. If the house was on fire, what would you grab first? Your SD, wallet, clothes or no time and save yourself?
My SD's!!! Forget the clothes, the world can see my bare ass if they're safe XD

98. Did you buy a digital camera only because you wanted to take pictures of your SD to show off online?

99. If you passed on, who gets your SD? wife/husband/kids/best friend/no one...it goes with me! Explain why!
I have no idea.

100. Do you think you'll ever tire of your SD? Why/Why not?
Maybe. But not for years.

In less boring news, I pay the second half of Carrick's body on friday!!! 8D
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