Mar 05, 2011 05:00
- 09:04:49: @ SmallLady0 oh my god. I WANT TO DO THAT WITH MY TURTLES.
- 09:16:54: @ SmallLady0 hells yeah!!!! My turtles will be blinging!! I'm gonna bedazzle the HELL out of their shells!!
- 09:26:22: @ SmallLady0 actually I had a tortoise and I used to paint his shell with nailpolish... i wonder if thaths bad for their shells
- 09:35:10: omg, A'tuin's "begging behaviour" has moved from cute to so frelling annoying >__< everytime I sit up to mute my alarm he goes freling crazy
- 09:37:45: @ cmdour yeah if there wasn't glass between me and A'tuin i would have punched her by now.
- 10:43:39: omg, so much pinted aida!!! (@ Knit & Needlepoint)
- 11:00:51: my butts too big for their jeans :( (@ Levi Strauss & co)
- 14:51:32: prof helped with my code problems but now i feel like an even bigger idot :( (@ MIT Stata Center w/ 2 others)
- 15:11:03: @ SmallLady0 =( I am climbing into bed and not leaving until tomorrow morning =(
- 15:18:58: @ iamuhura @smalllady0 nope I'm stupid! can't even spell idiot right! *pulls blanket over head*
- 15:31:52: @ SmallLady0 ....well, i guess i feel better then, <3<3
- 15:32:07: @ jujukoo aww, <3<3
- 15:35:02: @ iamuhura @smalllady0 ha, not true necessarily true, but thanks for making me feel better =)
- 15:38:21: @ h_e_e_l_s OH NOES!!! How will boston survive!!
- 15:47:02: argh, i don't know if I can work up the energy to go to the NSFW party tonight. It'll be so cold walking there and back =(
- 16:14:02: Cleesh universe! *ribbit*
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