So remember how a while back, Hotmail was blocking the email address that sends out comment notifications? And then it did it again, more recently?
Yeah, it's doing it yet again. And I am fed up with it.
I have had a repeated problem over the last several months where Hotmail removes the email address "lj_notify[at]" from my Safe Senders list and adds it to my Blocked Senders list.
The first time this occurred, I moved it back and assumed that I had accidentally told it to block the address. When it happened again several days later, and then again a few days after that, I posted here asking for assistance. I was told to try changing my password, as the only possible explanation was that someone was hacking my account.
At that point, I changed my password and had no trouble for about six weeks.
Then the email address moved itself again, several times. I requested help again, and was told that they "could not find any other reason for your sender’s e-mail address being added to your Blocked Senders list, except for being manually added."
(Note: I was not manually adding the email address to my Blocked Senders list. By this point, I had become very vigilant about whether the address had been moved for fear of not receiving important emails.)
That time, eventually the address stopped moving on its own. I had about six more weeks where I had no problems.
Within the last few days the email address has begun to move itself again. This is a serious problem for me; I have to be able to receive emails from this address.
I find it extremely difficult to believe that my account is being hacked or hijacked in any way, because I have much more sensitive information that is delivered to this email account and I have had no problems with anything else in the account. I have neither given the password to anyone nor forgotten to log out of my email account when I am on a public or shared computer. My home wireless network is password-protected, so between the password protection and the fact that no one else in my family has had any issues it is extremely unlikely that anyone has unauthorized access to my internet connection. I do not open spam emails or emails from addresses I don't recognize, and I have multiple very effective adware/virus protection programs, so the chances that I have any kind of virus are slim to none.
In other words: MY ACCOUNT IS NOT BEING HACKED. My security does not need to be improved. My security could only be improved by transferring to a private email server. This is not a solution.
I must be able to receive emails from the address. The fact that I currently cannot count on Hotmail to deliver them is unacceptable.
What can I do to resolve this problem?
I swear to god, if they tell me my account security isn't good enough like they have the last two times, I'm gonna fuckin' cut some bitches.
In other news: my math class is fucking retarded, Half the time, I spend half the class sitting on my ass waiting for the teacher to come help me, because the system won't let me move on until I get a correct answer on the problem I'm on (or until I get it wrong enough times, thereby screwing up my score), and I'm not allowed to work on anything but math in the lab where the class is held. Basically, I am required to waste my time. It makes me SO CRAZY. As a direct result of this, I have to go in after history class ends today and spend probably somewhere between an hour and an hour and a half working on yet more math, without the benefit of help because my teacher won't be there.
God, I am so glad I'm done after tomorrow.
edit: Can I also note how much it PISSES ME THE FUCK OFF when people tell me "don't be silly, you aren't not good at math "followed by "your grades are fine" or "you're just not trying hard enough" or "you just have to work on it"?
Okay, first of all, on the rare occasion that my grades are okay, it's because I have spent literally hours working very intensely, usually with my dad holding my hand through the entire process. This is neither fun nor rewarding for me.
And why would I want to spend hours on end slaving over something that I don't enjoy, that brings me absolutely no sense of personal fulfillment, and, above all, is going to be entirely useless to me? The most math I'm ever going to have to use in my adult life is basic algebra. I don't need to know how to factor polynomials.