That questions meme thing!
Leave me a comment and I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better.
Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.
fushimiru1. What's the origin of your username?
Back when I got my LJ, I mostly just got it so I could leave comments on people's fics over here and keep track of them, that kind of thing, and I didn't actually intend to really use it. So I based it on my ffn username at the time - "Miko Maleficus." I think that was too many letters for LJ or something, though, so I shortened it to
malemiko. Being the genius I am, I didn't realize that people would probably read it as "male," as in, not female. *facepalm* Anyway, since then I've obviously actually started to use the thing, so when I actually have the money for a rename token I'm going to get one and rename it to
2. What is it about Harry Potter that you like?
The characters and the world they live in. JKR's gift as a storyteller, I think, is making it all so real. Those characters seem like real people to me and so many others because of the way she's written them - you can't help but love them and empathize with them and want to know their story. And the wizarding world, itself, is obviously a very real place in her mind, she knows everything about it (very like Tolkein and Middle Earth!) and so that comes across in her writing.
3. Favorite animal?
aitogwe;kaiowjgtkd um doggies kitties bunnies guinea pigs duckies turtles??? I pretty much love anything cute and/or fuzzy honestly >>
4. What's your big goal in life?
No, seriously. I am.
5. ...okay I can't stop staring at that delicious looking icon so, DO YOU LIKE CUPCAKES. (yes that is your final question)
YES YES I DO I LOVE CUPCAKES. Because like. Okay. Cake is pretty much the greatest thing ever, right? And a cupcake is like a little cake, just for you, that you don't need silverware or anything to eat. It is pretty much the most ultimate perfect thing to ever come into creation.
TODAY, YOU GUYS. TODAY. Was the Dallas
ontd_startrek meetup!
chasingthewinds, and I all met up at the Cinemark at Legacy to see STAR TREK one more time (which was, as always, epic as hell), and then we went to Macaroni Grill for food and doodled all over the tablecloth as you're supposed to do and just generally behaved like utter geeks for a while. It was a blast.
... and then I came home and took an accidental nap on the floor under my dad's desk. derp derp derp.
We leave for Washington DC on Thursday morning... and uhhhh. Still haven't done shit to pack or prepare in any way. OOPS!
... also I just poured Peanut M&Ms all over my lap. Uhhhh.