Dumb things I witnessed in the 2 hours I was out today:
1) Car enters rotary, then stops dead mid-rotary to make sure other cars entering rotary are giving right of way to them.
2) Lady driving right over the cement barrier.
3) On Rt 16 in wellington circle (heading towards medford) two girls thought this would be the perfect time to open up their car doors and switch spots. While the light is green, and they could not possibly be moving slower.
4) Car cannot get into left lane to turn left into shopping plaza, decides go to straight on. Rather than go an extra 1/4 mile and enter the shopping plaza through the entrance ahead, they decide to pull an illegal u-turn in the middle of the street and get stuck.
5) Car backing out of a spot in the parking lot, another car blinking nearby indicating they want to get in. Car takes literally (not figuratively, literally) 2 minutes to back out of the spot and proceed, because they were worried their little corolla was going to hit another car. In the costco parking lot, which is designed for big trucks.
6) Countless SUVs swerving around puddles into oncoming traffic lanes unsafely. Heaven forbid their car get dirty...
1) I'm returning something, and a lady decides that right behind me (mind you I'm at the counter) is the best place to park her stroller with her infant in it, while she stands in the line next to me. So close that I get bumped by the wheel of the stroller. WTF?
2) People trying to shop at costco with their siblings card. What part of members only is so hard to grasp?
3) People leaving with nothing decide to cut through the lines of people checking out, rather than walking through the clear lane that no one is in, bumping into people and not apologizing the whole way.
And for the special rant..
To Layne Bryant:
Why would you decide to do away with the dumb-but-conventional system of sizes for women's jeans? Instead of searching for something size 14-32, women now can shop for things size 1-9. There is no conversion chart provided. Now rather than being able to go in and grab a pair of jeans I know fit, I have to go talk to an employee to help me figure out what size I wear. The "upshot" of this is that you haven't even trained your employees on how to figure out a person's size. No one whips out a measuring tape, or looks at a conversion chart - they ask you what size you wore in the last setup. My experience was I told the girl what size I was, and then she randomly picked two sizes off the shelf. I opened up the pants, and there was no way they were right. I gave up.
We who shop there are fat. Or plus-sized. Or overweight. Notice none of those things say mentally-challenged. Just because you label it a size 1 or 2 isn't going to suddenly make us think we're thin! Or feel better about our weight! Here's another news flash - some of us are OK with how we look even though we're trying to lose weight! IMAGINE THAT.
This whole system would be even worse if I was self-conscious or upset with my looks. My process is now way worse than picking out a large-numbered size I might be self-conscious of. Instead of just getting my size, I now have to:
Seek someone out.
Tell them my size publicly.
Let them play guessing game with sizes trying on multiple items until we figure out which style and size is right.
Possibly feel worse about myself if they pick sizes that are too small and I'm fatter than that..or too big because now they think I'm fatter than I am.
How the fuck is that an improvement by any possible measure? FAIL!
I am now back at home, back in PJs with my leg propped up. I am much happier being back here in my own little world where I can draw and ignore those crazy fucktards out there.
I just had another session on my tattoo yesterday, and I made another appointment for the 22nd. After that one, I should hopefully only have one more session. That'll put me at a solid 18 hours for this whole tattoo. I will be so glad once it's all done - I am really loving how it looks. Once it's a bit smaller on the swelling size, or no longer skin shedding I'll take a picture.