Something Serious

Jul 17, 2007 15:18

Oh, bother, where to start...

Have you ever done a Google search on yourself, your real name, your pen name, your lj name? Beware! The results could ruin your day, your integrity, your self-esteem...

Earlier today I did a Google search on my lj name namarielorien just for shits and giggles. What I found definitely did NOT make me giggle. There was a link to an lj entry on secretmodnazis that called into question my identity and my integrity. When I followed the link, the lj entry was blank, so I was unable to read the entire entry (I am assuming it is friends-locked), but the portion that appeared on the Google page said, "You see Carmea is also Ginger-Marlene Jacobsen aka namarielorien".

A little over a month ago, I met a new co-worker in the lunch room. Her name is Carmea Evans. In our "getting to know each other" lunch conversation, we discovered that we both adore Orlando Bloom and Craig Parker, that we both enjoy reading fan fiction, and that we both write fan fiction as a hobby. (At the time, I was totally unaware that what she claimed to be writing was in fact someone else's work, but I'm getting ahead of myself.) I told her about my lj community bloominparker and she joined later that afternoon. The day she posted the first chapter of the story she claimed was her's, "And I Will Always Love You", she came to visit me in my office. I logged into my own lj as we chatted about her excitement of actually posting for the first time. When I pulled up her post, she was overjoyed to find her first comment, and without thinking, she typed a quick reply. Within seconds, we both realized that her reply appeared to come from me. We laughed and joked about neither one of us being the sharpest tool in the shed, then I deleted the comment she had typed, and she went back to her office to reply properly. At the time, I thought it was just some stupid little incident that was just one of those things. How wrong I was!

While I was visiting my sister in Florida, the perverbial shit hit the perverbial fan. The discovery was made that Carmea's story was in fact a plagairized version of "Saraband" by Quiseyes. I had told Carmea that I am not too fond of WIPs and that, since she assured me she would continue to post all of the chapters until the story was completed, I was not going to read it until I could read the entire story all at once. But when I got an email from sanzorama saying that pecos and kryspen had discovered the plagairism, I did read the chapters that had been posted and confirmed for myself that it was, in fact, an edited version of "Saraband". To be perfectly honest, I was devastated to find that I had been decieved by someone I thought I could trust.

When I returned to work after my vacation, I made it extremely clear to Carmea that what she had done made it impossible for me to continue to associate with her. I thought that would be the end of it.

Until today's Google search, where I was suddenly and painfully reminded of the little comment "faux pas".

I don't blame the person whose comment Carmea replied to while on my lj, and who, I can only assume, told others of the comment. (I have no way of knowing if they are the one who made the post on secretmodnazis or who, in fact, did.) Of course she would think namarielorien and melaminhaldir are the same person. How could she not? She has no evidence to the contrary. However, I will say it loud and clear in the net version of shouting: I AM NOT CARMEA EVANS! Unfortunately, I do actually know her, but I no longer call her friend.

I am still totally devastated by this entire series of events. Today's little discovery is all the more devastating because now I know people are talking about me behind my back saying things that are not true, and I have no way, other than this post, to set the record straight. My self-esteem is shot to hell and I can't even say it's not my fault, because I am as much to blame for the comment being posted, and the resulting identity confusion, as Carmea!

Other than this post, I don't know what to do to try to set the record straight or fix what feels broken. You may see the line thru namarielorien sometime soon. Yes, I'm that upset.

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