I could've sworn I made posts between June and November, but I don't see them, so I figure some catching up is in order.
The farm is essentially ready to sell. There are minor tasks, sure, like taking down some wall paper, a little bit of landscaping, and so on, but so much progress has been made. There were a number of large obstacles in our way, problems that we could only look at and ask "How do we even begin to address this?" Every one of those has been taken care of, except one, and that obstacle simply takes time. I don't know how long, but each day it's closer to no longer being an issue, and after the problem passes the farm will be placed on the market in short order. It may take a few months to sell, but we have several very good reasons to be optimistic.
Once it sells, I'm off to the Northeast. It will have been far too long coming, but that's such an old complaint for me that I won't spare any annoyance on it. In any case, one of the things I'm looking forward to the most is Earth and Sky.
I've wanted to run a game for years. I enjoy staffing and running things so much, and have suitable opportunities for it so rarely here. I am beyond excited about the world, the philosophy of the game, the rules, and so many other things. At the same time, however, it's all deeply frustrating. I want to run the game in the North, so until I move north there's only so much I can do. I haven't talked with Rob about it, I haven't recruited a staff, and so on, since doing those things when I don't know when I'll actually be in the area is premature. Since I don't have a staff, there's only so much I can write and so much I can do. I can iterate and iterate on the work I've done, but I need to leave space for my friends and partners. It won't do to write myself into a corner. In the meantime, though, I want to share what I can and get some things out in the open. What meaning do my ideas have if they just stay in my head?
So, with that in mind, I'll be making a fair few posts about Earth and Sky. They won't be well-organized or official, but I want to share what's in my head as I build this dream. I want to share my whats, hows, and whys, and I hope you'll join me and share your thoughts and ideas of what goes into good LARPing.