*Time started: 3:18 PM
*Name: Holly Johanna Engel
*Nickname: Nova(llie); Bean; Jamesey James James; *sigh* and to humor Jilly, Holly Marie Engelbobber.
*Single or Taken: Single and not interested.
*Gender: Female.
*Birthday: April 10th.
*Sign: Aries.
*Hair color: Musky brown, literally the medium between light and dark.
*Eye color: Dark brown, they turn black when I'm crying or pissed. Kinda freaky actually....
*Height: 5'-8"
*Innie or Outie: Innie.
*Where do you live: Long Island, New York.
*Righty or lefty: Righty, though ambidextrous on some fronts.
*Who is your closest friend(s)- The little duckies know who they are.
~Fashion Stuff (More like random favorites but sure, what the hell, lets call it fashion *rolls eyes*)~
*Where is your fav place to shop: I-Con.
*Do you have any tattoos or piercings?: Single hole in each ear.
*Color(s): Earth tones (greens, browns, creams, etc.), grays, blacks, and I HATE PURPLE.
*Number(s): 23.
*Food: Anything spicey really.
*Boys name: Chance.
*Girls name: Mallorie.
*Subject in school: Chemisty.
*Animal: Dogs (mutts).
*Drink: Green Tea or water.
*Celebrity(s): YUKI KAJ!!!!!!!!!
*Sport: Swim....ming?
*Veggie: Cauliflower owns you all.
*Fruit: Peaches.
*Fast food place: I loathe fast food with a burning passion.
*Place to visit: Dana's apartment.
*Juice: Grapefruit.
*Ice Cream: Peppermint stick, Butterscotch or Black Raspberry.
*Favorite cartoon character: I'm gonna hafta go classic on this one and say Popeye.
~Have You Ever~
*Smoked: No.
*Bungee jumped: No, but I intend to someday.
*Broken the law: Oh yeah, I totally walked around on Sunday afternoon with an ice cream cone in my pocket. I'm frickin serious- that's a real NY state law.
*Made yourself throw-up: Once- I ate a rancid peanut and DID NOT want to get sick from it.
*Gone skinny dipping: If I have it's none of your business anyway.
*Been in the opposite sex's bathroom: Nope.
*Eaten a dog biscuit: Eh.... no. And I really don't intend to.
*Put your tongue on a frozen pole: Nope.
*Loved someone that made you cry?: Mmm....
*Played truth or dare: Yeah. Unfortunately.
*Been in a physical fight: Mmmhmm.
*Been in a police car: No. And I REALLY don't intend to.
*Been on a plane: A few times.
*Been in a sauna: Mmmhmm.
*Been in a hot tub: We have one in my basement, of course I've been in a hot tub.
*Swam in the ocean: What fun is life if you've never had yourself flattened in a break? HELL YEAH I'VE SWAM IN THE OCEAN.
*Fallen asleep in school: It was Danowski's fault.
*Broken someone's heart: Not that I know of.
*Cried when someone died: Actually.... no.
*Flashed someone: No. And again, I really don't intend to.
*Lied: Yes. But at least I admit that fact ne?
*Laughed so hard you fell off your chair: Multiple times. But then again I fall out of my chair without laughing, so, you know.
*Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: Yeah....
*Saved e-mails: Mmmhmm.
*Wished you were a member of the opposite sex: Though I could do without the menstual cramps, I'm really, REALLY happy with being a chicka.
*Been rejected? No actually.
*Been in love? Platonically, but otherwise- no. I just haven't met someone who's worth the effort.
*Used someone: Not that I know of.
*Been cheated on: Nope.
*Been dumped? Heh, no.
*Done something you regret?: Who hasn't?
~First Thing That Comes to Mind~
*Red: Blood *shifty eyes*.... I mean.... ketchup.... yeah.
*Blue: Bluefish.... or the Sound. They're both pretty even.
*Happy: NEW YEAR!!
*Autumn: Blackfish.
*Cow: Coffee.
*Greenland: Cod fishing.
*Lucky charm: Pendant.
*Stupidest thing?: Fire hydrants XD
*Your most prized possession: My sanity.
*Thing that has happened to you this year: Not going to Essex *sobs*.
~Have You Ever Had~
*Chicken pox: Nope.
*Sore Throat: Frequently.
*Cold: Increasingly frequently.
*Stitches: Years ago....
*Bloody nose: High altitudes tend to do that to me.
~Do you~
*Believe in love at first sight: Not really sure....
*Enjoy parks: Nice ones.
*Like picnics: Eeeehhhh..... no.
*Like school: I wouldn't say I hate it....
*What schools have you gone to: MP. Sucks huh?
*Who is the last person that called you: Mum.
*Makes you laugh the most: My friends in general. My sides hurt after lunch today.
*Makes you smile: A lot of people....
*Can make you feel better no matter what: Kelly or Koneko.
*Was the last person you touched? Umm, I hugged Anna in French I think....
*You talked to last: Mum.
~Do You/Are You~
*Do you like yourself: Remarkably.
*Do you get along with your family: Yes.
*Color your hair?: When I'm 16 *is counting the months*
*Habla espanol?: Non, je parle francais.
*Stolen anything ever? No. Stealing is just flat out wrong.
*Obsessive: Compulsively.
*Compulsive : Obsessively.
*Anorexic: No.
*Depressed: Only with reason.
~For Girls ONLY (about guys)~
*Boxers or briefs: What does it matter?
*Older, younger, same age: Again, what does it matter?
*Tall or short: Tall.
*Good or bad guy: Mix, leaning towards the former though.
*Ear peirced or not: No thank you.
*Stubble or neatly shaved: Neatly shaved.
*Hot or cute: Cute.
*Dark or blonde hair: A little more dark than blonde. Though really, it doesn't matter.
*Curly or straight hair: What does it matter?
*Dark or light eyes: I'm really starting to repeat myself, what does it matter?
*Hat or no hat: Well if it's cold out I'd like him to wear a hat for his own sake.
*Long or short hair: Again again, what does it matter?
*Tan or fair: Again again again, what does it matter?
*What do you notice first about guys: Height.
*Shy or outgoing: A balanced mix, though again, a little more towards the former.
*Six pack: Why should he have one if I don't? Seriously, it doesn't matter.
*Muscular arms: If he wants muscular arms, he can have muscular arms. But I really don't care.
~FOR GUYS ONLY( on girls)~
*Regular underwear or thong:
*Painted nails or not:
*Older, younger, same age:
*Bra or sports bra:
*Cute and mysterious or wild and sexy:
*Dressy or casual:
*Dark or blonde hair:
*Long or short hair:
*Curly or straight hair:
*Dark or light eyes:
*Long or short nails:
*Hat or no hat:
*Good or bad girl:
*Hair up or down:
*Jewelry or none:
*Tall or short:
*Pants or dress:
*Tan or fair:
*What do you notice first about girls:
*Shy or outgoing:
*What do you like the most in a girl:
*Time Now: 3:49 PM
1. Male friend: Oh please don't make me pick....
2. Female friend: YOU CAN'T MAKE ME CHOSE!!
3. Vacation: Essex. Der.
4. Store: Ummm.... does I-Con count?
5. Memory: Oh gods, hell if I can pick. Probably something with Kelly or Dana though.
1. Time of day: Mroning.
2. Day of the week: Thursdays. They taunt me.
3. Food: Tomatos.
4. Memory: When I tripped, fell and broke my teeth in the fourth grade. That, or when Kelly called me to tell me that Koneko's mum had passed away....
5. Boyfriend or girlfriend: Never really had one, so there can't be a worst now can there?
1. Person you saw: Dad.
2. Talk on the phone: Mum.
3. Hugged: Anna.
4. Emailed: Dana.
5: IM: Beryl.... I think. Hell if I remember.
1. What are you doing now: Procrastinating. And listening to JaM
2. Tonight: Sllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeepp.
3. Wearing: The uber comfy jeans; the fuzzy tan sox that Anna loves; the old stretchy, green cotton shirt that has the holes in the sleeves so they slip around my thumbs; my white, long-sleeved blouse with the leaf/floral paterns on it- the classic looking one.
4. What did you eat for lunch: Corned beef and cheese on a portuguese sweet muffin and a can of green tea.
1. Is: Wednesday.
2. Got any plans: Goin' into the city with Kelly duckie.
3. Goal: To have a fuckin' blast.
4. Dislikes about tomorrow: I have to miss watching the entire school scramble around like retards during the evacuation drill, what with moving counter clockwise and everything.
5. Do you have work: Not really.... it's a nice day off.
1. Number: 23. Didn't we already go over this?
2: Song: Oh gods.... at the moment? Motto by JaM, Dis~ by Mika Arisaka, or In the Land of Twilight Under the Moon by Yuki Kajiura.
3. Color: Deep greens or dark grays.
4. Clothing Brand: Paris Blues or Levis.
5. State: NY all the frickin' way.
1. Are you in love: Eehhhh.... no.
2. Dating someone: Nope.
Number four is missing, that or someone can't count.
3. Missing someone: Dana, hardly got to spend time with her 'cause of all the damned hacker trouble.
5. Doing: Deja vu. Procrastinating and listening to JaM.
*Time Finished: 4:01 PM
Wow.... I think that was the most disorganized quiz I've ever done, or at least close to the most disorganized quiz I've ever done.