Dear Rose II

Feb 10, 2007 12:26


(I have a huge photography project due thursday and all of wednesday I have class and then a doctors appointment, so my time to work on it is VERY limited. what do i do?)

I have waited my usual three weeks for response, thus evading your question, as it is time-sensitive. Thank you,



(i read my daughter's diary and don't know how to confront her about her drinking. what do i do?)

This is a sticky situation in which to be. You have broken your daughter's trust, as well as she has broken yours, and neither one of you is inclined to confess. What I suggest is the tried-and-true method of Dyslexiosa Subneuriosis. It is a way of tapping into your daughter's subconscious to tell her what you desire.
Start by offering your daughter many extra dairy products. Milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream. Offer her three to four extra dairy servings per day, and after about a week, she will know on an unconscious level that you have read her diary. No explanation will be needed; her brain should make a false connection to associate a memory with the incident. You will be able to bring it up painlessly. Suggest to her that drinking alcohol is dangerous and that she should cease the practice immediately.
On top of this, the extra dairy will help metabolize any alcohol in her sensitive, nubile bloodstream. Thank you,



(Dear Rose,

I would rather do this in person! i miss you.
much totting ensues.

-'BOP (Bored In Portland))

This can be arranged. I will be in Portland in March. Thank you,



(ryan cannon dumped me. wtf..??)

The best advice I can give is, "get over him," but of course as easily as this is said, it is damn near impossible to do. Time is the great healer. Let it work its magic. Soon as you know it, you'll be laughing over him. Until then, just keep a sound head on your shoulders and chin up! Thank you,

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