Title : Bus Author : Nana Pairing : Ryo x Ueda Warning : un-beta-ed and lame Rating : G A/N : chibi Ueda and Ryo !!! well, I make Ryo older than Ueda..LMAO~
hello~ Let me explain first ^^ We're holding a project to celebrate Tatchan's 28th birthday, and I'm in charged of finding some Ryoda ^^ Because I'm very fonđ of this cute story about them, may I ask for your permission to translate it into my languge, Vietnamese? I promise I'll credit you properly and post the link to you ^^
Comments 50
so sweet~
but can never imagine ryoda like that.
it's always been takamitsu in my mind =b
why ?
you didn't like Ryoda am I right ??
hehe..if this was Takamitsu, Hiro would be Ryo and Nika would be Tat-chan
that what i had in mind.
ryo (hiro), ueda (nika)
y did i read?
coz i promised u remember?
i'm the kind of person who will try my best to keep up with my promises.
unless if i really can't help it.
you don't have too read.............seriously.
Let me explain first ^^
We're holding a project to celebrate Tatchan's 28th birthday, and I'm in charged of finding some Ryoda ^^
Because I'm very fonđ of this cute story about them, may I ask for your permission to translate it into my languge, Vietnamese?
I promise I'll credit you properly and post the link to you ^^
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