hehe.. tapi itu rumor tentang tegoshi udah ada yg nyangkal katanya itu foto waktu jaman awal 2009.. jadi semuanya boongan...
daijoubu nanae... every fangirl will feel the same about her idol... including me... reading negative comments aboout ryo in arama will raise my tension... especially when they are unreasonable comments...
and yes... the drama is already official.. i don't watch dexter, but when i read the story of the drama.. i remembered.. you know.. the old serial Dark Justice.. hehe...
cool! i like how you write this! about tegoshi surely dont want to ruin his life and taking precautious steps etc!
n lol @ the fanfics! its so weird,the story! how can u ever snatch the phone like that and put it back? why dint they just steal it and figure out the password and take tegoshi's phone no! HAHA xD
The pic is old and leaked on the net only a few weeks (months?) ago, this is what surprises me the most! XD
The real story has been told on the comment. The pic was taken by a japanese fan who slept with him. But she is a Yamapi fan. And that's disgusting... I feel really sorry for Tego.
okay...okay...let's put out the disgusting word...okay...chill out...xP
itu cerita yg beredar pas pertama gw liat potonya li... ada di LJ-nya genta0205 dan setelah dia dan riina-chan cari source-nya...ternyata ga jelas...muter2...trus balik2nya ke link awal...
dan knapa lo pasang itu subject?? emang lo pikir gw nyolong hape that-so-called-tego-GF? trus gw tau no. hape tego...trus lo minta no. hape ryo-chan?? xDD *dilempar bata*
me too don't like rumors!!! all rumors are evil!!
despite I often laugh by my self...talking to my self...and stuffs...I have a healthy mind...xP
oohh...the drama is official!! yayy!! I'm counting on you then...*winks*
yes...we're all just human...fangirls or idols...just human...*sigh* and of course as human we all have our responsibilities.
itu rumor dah cukup lama :D fotonya aja skitar taun 2007 ( or that's what I heard )
btw yg mau saya komen...........knapa anda menulis 'he' (tegoshi) dengan 'He' ? cthnya dalam kalimat ini : oz deep down I believe He's a good person despite all of the rumors
foto lama jelas...krn dah lama bgt rambut tego gak bgitu...xDD
btw...knapa sy ngerasa kek lg bimbingan buat skripsi ya? wkwkwk..xDD yakin gw klo Rei jd dosen pembimbing penulisan pasti gw ga lulus2 dah jaman kuliah...xP
Rei!!! duuhh nih anak teliti sangat...xP ga ada maksud Rei gw nulis begitu...xDD
gw pikir kalo ditulisin buat subyek kudu diawali caps lock...ga yah? dan gw jg ga sadar sih...ato mungkin gw maksud-in buat penegasan 'He' yg gw maksud itu 'Dia' *geje bgt dah*
HUAHAHAHAHHAHAHA mungkin bagi Tego-fangirls, dia adalah te-GOD-shi xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 'He'-nya jadi gede gitu....huehehehehehehehehe
sebetulnya saya ini orgnya sangat ceroboh.....tapi saya dah 2x kerja di sebuah tempat yg mengharuskan saya menjadi QC yg teliti, soalnya kalo salah approve 1 barang, 1000 lainnya bakal salah XD ( kebiasaan kali yee =P )
Comments 38
tapi itu rumor tentang tegoshi udah ada yg nyangkal
katanya itu foto waktu jaman awal 2009..
jadi semuanya boongan...
daijoubu nanae... every fangirl will feel the same about her idol...
including me... reading negative comments aboout ryo in arama will raise my tension... especially when they are unreasonable comments...
and yes... the drama is already official.. i don't watch dexter, but when i read the story of the drama.. i remembered.. you know.. the old serial Dark Justice.. hehe...
negative rumors...negative comments...are all evil!! xP
Dark Justice? lupa2 inget deh...ntar dicek2...^^v
about tegoshi surely dont want to ruin his life and taking precautious steps etc!
n lol @ the fanfics!
its so weird,the story!
how can u ever snatch the phone like that and put it back? why dint they just steal it and figure out the password and take tegoshi's phone no! HAHA
no,tegoshi cant be yours only! :D
That's just my opinion...I think everybody want the best for them self...xP
ah yeah...It's so fanfics ne~~?? and It blurs reality and fantasy...if It's ever be the reality thou...xP
awawww!!! I know he can't be mine only...but let me think that way!! xDD
The real story has been told on the comment. The pic was taken by a japanese fan who slept with him. But she is a Yamapi fan. And that's disgusting... I feel really sorry for Tego.
You will forget... until a new rumor comes up!
where did you get it..
really disgusting...
okay...okay...let's put out the disgusting word...okay...chill out...xP
itu cerita yg beredar pas pertama gw liat potonya li...
ada di LJ-nya genta0205 dan setelah dia dan riina-chan cari source-nya...ternyata ga jelas...muter2...trus balik2nya ke link awal...
no prove...
so I didn't buy it...nope...
- http://community.livejournal.com/aramatheydidnt/853150.html?thread=59760286#t59760286
- http://community.livejournal.com/aramatheydidnt/853150.html?thread=59770270#t59770270
Ryo's drama had been official, u can see on fujitv news update.
*hug nanae* were just ordinary fans who love our idol just the way they are, right?
Good or bad, i'm sure tegoshi n others JE idol will be take responsible 4 evrything they had been done.....that's another reason to love him more.
me too don't like rumors!!! all rumors are evil!!
despite I often laugh by my self...talking to my self...and stuffs...I have a healthy mind...xP
oohh...the drama is official!! yayy!! I'm counting on you then...*winks*
yes...we're all just human...fangirls or idols...just human...*sigh*
and of course as human we all have our responsibilities.
just wish for the best to the boys ^^v
subjek itu udh ada waktu gw ngetik message FB ke temen gw...dan itu cuma bisa ilang kalo kita apus dl tiap mo ngetik...XDDD.
dan kmrn gw lupa gk gw apus...tapi agak nyambung sih ...klo diliat2....wkwkwkwkwkwkwk
btw yg mau saya komen...........knapa anda menulis 'he' (tegoshi) dengan 'He' ? cthnya dalam kalimat ini : oz deep down I believe He's a good person despite all of the rumors
btw...knapa sy ngerasa kek lg bimbingan buat skripsi ya? wkwkwk..xDD yakin gw klo Rei jd dosen pembimbing penulisan pasti gw ga lulus2 dah jaman kuliah...xP
Rei!!! duuhh nih anak teliti sangat...xP
ga ada maksud Rei gw nulis begitu...xDD
gw pikir kalo ditulisin buat subyek kudu diawali caps lock...ga yah?
dan gw jg ga sadar sih...ato mungkin gw maksud-in buat penegasan 'He' yg gw maksud itu 'Dia' *geje bgt dah*
makin gw pikir...makin gw bingung...knapa gw nulisnya bgonoh???
'He'-nya jadi gede gitu....huehehehehehehehehe
sebetulnya saya ini orgnya sangat ceroboh.....tapi saya dah 2x kerja di sebuah tempat yg mengharuskan saya menjadi QC yg teliti, soalnya kalo salah approve 1 barang, 1000 lainnya bakal salah XD
( kebiasaan kali yee =P )
walopun klo mau dibilang angel...mungkin gw msh bisa terima...angel of ero *digeplak tego*
tp gw kebiasaan sih...td aja mau nulis di komen2 udah mau caps aja 'H'-nya...weird...^^;
owww...souka~~ pernah jadi QC...pantesan segitu detilnya pengamatan lo...xDD
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