stolen from
winterspel Rules:
1. You must take between 6 and 8 new photographs per day.
2. Your WITL must be consecutive. No skipping days.
3. You must post your photographs at the end of that day, sometime after the last picture is taken.
4. Each photograph must have the time taken beneath and a title, with no other explanation.
10:04 - waking up!
10:16 - Straight to the shower.
11:10 - Breakfast: oolong tea & 1 sultana scone.
11:12 - Checking email and lj friends list.
13:56 - Lunch: rice with noritama.
15:45 - Makeup & hair time!
17:23 - Train station.
18:07 - Picadilly: going to meet Setsu.
22:02 - On my way home.
So yeah, I cheated on rule 1 and 3 (these photos are from yesterday), but who cares? xD
I'll try to follow the rules starting today.