Title: The Lines are Drawn
31 Days Theme: March 7th/Hate blows a bubble of despair
Series: YYH
Character: Koenma/Botan
Rating: G
Notes: Writing because I need to get out of my rut. Written for
31_days. This short coming from an epic Koenma/Botan fanfic I haven't got around to writing. Rushed, unrevised, short.
As a ferry girl, Botan wished for a lot of things. Once upon a time, she wished for him. Now, she went to him, knowing that it would never be possible, but hoping, hoping that something could be salvaged. )
Comments 4
This snippet was right on the spot, from the mood to the characterization. The tension was gripping.
(But it cuts off. =P *prods you out of rut* )
I wanna write the rest of Riven too. T_T I gotta swallow my pride and just write the darn thing like I did with this one. To hell with quality, LOL.
Thanks for commenting. *huggles*
=P And I'm not an expert at drabbles. I have the same problem you do. ^^;;;;
You do? But it seems like you've got the hang of it perfectly with your previous 31 days stuff. Short but somehow always whole.
You know, I just realized... I think I got the order of lightning and thunder wrong. Lightning flashes first, right? Urghhhhh. That darn "Good is Good" song got me all mixed up. T_T
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