Saturday, 19th May. Woke up, helped mother get ready (she tried on many, many possible outfits the night before), and then the ladies were ready to go and show themselves off.
Mother and the women she went with - Ewa (whose apartment we overran), Basia, my mother and Grażyna.
We’re so alike it hurts.
Drove to the medical academy and found most of the year level standing around in the street, hugging and checking each other out. Rather adorable, really, but you don’t want to see all that, do you?
Pani Basia’s son, Kuba, was told to take care of me for the day, so he took me on a random sight-seeing trip. First we headed to the top of a cathedral (the name of which escapes me) to see how lovely Wrocław looked on that particular day. The top was enclosed with a lovely cage-like thing. The view was gorgeous.
After that, he drove me a little out of town to see some Nature. Which was silent and beautiful.
The building that looks like a palace is part of what used to be a German recreational resort. It’s all boarded up now, but apparently there were many resorts like this in the area - Wrocław and the surrounding lands used to be under German rule and influence, which means it’s cleaner than many other places in Poland.
And then, we drove back into town, crossing a few bridges and passing a train station. A small train station, a stop in the middle of nowhere, but it was crawling with police. About twenty men in bulletproof vests stood around, police vans everywhere, and as we drove past, another ten or so vans passed on the other side of the road, heading in that direction. Apparently it was Game Day for the local football teams and “hooliganism” is very popular. In any case, I’ve never seen so many police in one place at the one time.
When we got into town, we went to a large… sports hall? Stadium? I couldn’t tell you what it actually is. The building was all glass and concrete, but the grounds were beautiful - big lake out the back, and around the lake was a covered walkway - columns overgrown with ivy. Very Roman. Very pretty.
And that concluded my Wrocław day. The next day, Sunday, mother and I caught trains - she headed to Gorzow Wielkopolski, a couple of hours from the German border, and I headed to Warszawa to change bags and go to Lodz the next day. Oh, travel.
In any case, I had a train compartment to myself for the first half of my trip - about 2-3 hours.
I have no idea what gives the field that two-toned effect, but it’s rather pretty. Imagine a few kilometres of this.
Yes, so that was that. I headed to Lodz for a week or so and then came back to Warsaw. Continued…