You are so not a lover kind of person! You can't
really fall in love yet because either your not
ready or you just don't like the consept or
maybe you've been hurt once. Whatever the
reason you should let it hold you back on love
or anything else! It's not worth it!
*UPDATED* What kind of love are you? ( COOL anime pics) brought to you by
You have an impenitrable soul. No one can really
reach you at all or much. You don't like
people, you also almost act dead. You don't
care what people think and your the girl/ guy
that people say 'you're in our grade! I've
never seen you before.' You are in a lot of
pain in life so you really don't care about
anything but you feel pity for people who try
and try but always fail. You wonder how people
can act in such a way.
CONSTANT UPDATING(NEW ANSWER) What kind of soul do you have? ( ENCHANTING anime pics) brought to you by
you represent the hard times in life. you have a
hard life yourself and a hidden self many don't
know about.
What part of life do you represent? ( AWESOME anime pics ^_^) brought to you by
You like the ones that understand you.
What kind of guy are you most attracted to? (CUTE anime pics) brought to you by
You are a winter. I'm staying out of your way!!!!
You are crabby and well just bitchy most of the
time. You have your good moments but not too
many. You are cold towards most people(hense
the season winter) in other words you are not
social too much. You have a few privlaged
friends. But there aren't too many. Over all
many people more than likely don't like you for
your sassy attitude.
What Season Best Fits You? (anime pics) brought to you by