Not such a good week, really. The antibiotic I've been taking is making me crazy in the head. Every little thing has either pissed me off or made me cry. This is why I hate having to take medication of any sort. I'm not used to it and it messes me up. Thank god I'll be done with it tomorrow.
Monday I went to the gym as usual. One of the trainers I liked was there and she wasn't working with anyone when I got done with my cardio. She only works two days a week now and I was pleased, thinking I would get to work out with her.
But no. Chicken Wing Woman was also working and the next client (me) was her "turn". I just gritted my teeth, smiled, said "no thanks," and then went home and ran another 2 miles on my treadmill. Jeanie (the trainer I like) caught me in the locker room before I left and asked if it was because I didn't like working with CWW. I was honest and told her yes, but I emphasized that CWW wasn't really doing anything wrong. It's just that the style of workout she does - mostly Pilates-type moves - doesn't mesh with what I prefer, which is weight machines and dumbbells. I'm really trying super-hard to be nice about the girl but the truth is her routines are completely ineffective for me. I don't need movements that require finesse and control; I need something big and dumb that matches my dumb personality.
Anyway, Jeanie didn't act surprised to hear any of this so I think I'm not the only person saying it. She said there's a new trainer starting in a couple of weeks that does routines more like what we're all used to. In the meantime she said she would try to catch me on the days she worked, but she only works one weeknight and I usually don't go to the club on the weekends.
Once I got home that evening I sulked and decided in a fit of emo pique that I just wouldn't do weights at all anymore, so THERE. That would sure show them. At various points this week I also decided that:
* LJ sucked, so I was going to delete my journal;
* My neighborhood sucked, so I was going to sell my house and move somewhere else (reality check when I visited;
* Weekends sucked since I never did anything, so I wasn't even going to bother getting out of bed those two days anymore;
* All the people at work sucked, so I wasn't going to give them the Halloween gifts I've been working on;
* My dentist sucked for not being able to figure out why the teeth on the left side of my mouth are so sensitive, so I was going to get root canals in every last one of them;
* My left foot sucked for being deformed and hurting, so I was just going to forget high heels and buy the ugliest granny shoes Wal-Mart had and wear them every single day;
* My parents sucked for never getting me that E-Z-Bake Oven when I was a kid, despite me asking for it year after year.
Mmmm...I love the smell of over-reaction in the morning. This is why I hate taking any sort of prescription, even benign ones. I usually have a reaction of some sort because I'm not used to taking anything other than the occasional Zyrtec for allergies.
Last night I decided to try to make myself feel better by treating myself to a cheeseburger. Yup. It sucked. Even worse, it didn't satisfy my "really bad for you" food craving. What I really want is a hot, gooey pizza. I figured I would go ahead and cave this weekend and order one and eat it while watching the Jacksonville game. Only once I looked at today's Sports section I discovered that the Jacksonville game will be shown on DirectTV....and I have Dish Network. That? Also sucks.
My spirits were briefly lifted last night by discovering a nice big fire ant mound that I could lay waste to in my front yard. I know you're supposed to use the bait for the workers to take back to the queen, and usually I do. But there's something much more satisfying about sticking the tube sprayer of a can of Bengal down into the mound, giving them a volley of insecticide, and then watching them come boiling out of the ground. THEN you hit 'em again above ground, step back, and watch them slowly asphyxiate. Good times, good times.
So I guess the best thing I can do to treat my overall pissiness is consume lots of carbs and try to find things wot are smaller than me to grind under my heel. Should make for a fun weekend.
As usual, no real plans for the next couple of days. I tried to talk
laforgery1 into going to Six Flags with me but he refused to budge on that whole not being AWOL thingie that the Navy is so picky about. I might head out there on Sunday anyway but I haven't decided yet. The last time I went to Six Flags I was really disappointed. It was filthy, the lines were long, and it was overrun with foul-mouthed, misbehaving teenagers. I know the park had a big push this season to make it more family friendly but I don't know how well they succeeded. I have a coupon for a discounted ticket though, so I guess even if it sucks and I leave early it would be worth what I would pay just to ride a couple of rides and get out of the house on what looks to be a nice day weather-wise.
Other than that it's my usual weekend activities: grocery shopping, dry cleaners, and trying to get the painting in the guest room finished.