I know, it feels like forever ago!
Title: Le Langue D'Amour
Fandom: Magic Kaito
Characters: Kaito Kuroba, Saguru Hakuba
Warnings: Guy-on-guy lip action.
Disclaimer: I do not own ANYTHING!
Rating: PG
Summary: That thief always had a new trick up his sleeve.
"Le réalité et toi, vous ne vous entendez pas, n'est-ce pas?"
Hakuba looked up when he heard the question in French, brain not exactly responding to it. "Come again?"
Playful blue eyes sparkled -- almost taking a violet hue, if that were possible -- as he repeated the question.
"...Je ne parle pas le français, Kaito."
He laughed. "Then how come you answered me?"
"I know enough of any language to be able to indentify it," he replied. "Now can you pay attention to what is being said in class?"
Kaito leaned back in his chair, and hadn't said a word to him for the rest of the class. It was a mixed blessing, he suspected; if Kaito had not been teasing anybody, then he was plotting their humiliation. Hakuba was not going to tolerate having his underwear show up as a banner again. No, that was simply nothing tolerable.
Then the KID letter had shown up in French.
At first, Hakuba thought this the perfect opportunity for proving that, once and for all, Nakamori-keibu was wrong and he was correct. This was getting more and more rare, and Hakuba would grasp at the chance to be right about this. Unfortunately, he forgot one thing.
"His father had made several trips to France before, remember? He probably got taught enough that he wouldn't get lost."
And he scored again. Not that this should have surprised anyone.
It had taken a little more than running the note through a computer translator, of course -- KID would never make anything like that easy on anybody. He had to sprinkle over his note literary references and slang. Why he couldn't go back to "I will steal (select a gem) from (select a place) at (select a time) on (select a date)"? Was that too simple for him? Did he really have to make himself feel superior for seeing the obvious?
With a sigh, Hakuba had continued to look over the note, on the phone with a friend of his that he knew would translate.
"'J'étais assise avec ma cigarette à la main et je me suis rendu compte que je préférerais t'avoir toi' is the aside he usually uses for me," he told her, but everything else was caught off by laughter. "What? What's so funny?!"
"Does he smoke?"
"No one who can do the things he can do smokes."
"Then it's probably a literary reference."
"Okay, then, I'll just chalk it to that. Any idea?"
"It sounds kind of purple."
"Late 19th, Early 20th century then?"
"Sounds about right, for now. I'm..." snicker, "...pretty sure that it doesn't mean anything important to the heist."
He gave up, deciding not to fight a battle he wasn't quite sure he wanted to win, and had decided to move on to the next part.
He had nearly caught the thief, too.
Hakuba had him by the leg, hanging off the flag pole. As much as he hated to admit it, he needed the thief to actually survive.
KID was twitchy right now, not liking hanging between iron and a policeman, and he was definitely looking for something. Whatever that something was, was in line with the crowd below, and he must have found it, because he let go.
Not wanting to scream, knowing better than to think that a kaitou would harm, Hakuba merely held his breath until he felt a sudden jolt and trajectory changing. This task was much easier to accomplish with his eye closed, and he was rather amazed that the glider held. KID held his prize up, observing it as they made their way out.
They touched down a couple buildings away, Hakuba immediately thanking him before attempting to get the gem back. KID had, of course, struggled, as he always had when Hakuba managed to get his hands on him, and rather abruptly paused when he spoke.
"Que feriez-vous si je vous embrasse maintenant?"
"Wha--!?" Before Hakuba knew what was going on, soft lips pressed against his, a gloved hand holding his head where it was.
And just as suddenly as they were there, KID's lips pulled back, leaving a very confused and flustered detective.
"What was that for?!"
He snickered, waving, getting out from below him and dropping the jewel into the breast pocket of his shirt. "See you, Tantei-san."
Hakuba tried following him, just to find his hand cuffed to the building's railing. "Dammit!"
KID waved, disappearing in a cloud of pink smoke just in time for Nakamori to discover the very flustered detective on the roof.