Title: Five Ways Ianto Got Back Into the Good Graces of His Friends and Colleagues Following Major Career Fuckup Number Three Author: nancybrownFandom: Torchwood
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So much to love about this: how Dr. Pol senses Jack and Ianto, everything about the Gwen/Ianto relationship, the alien mistletoe (and how it's ha-ha-hilarious until you think about the fact that a 12 year old girl had it and all of the randoms wanting to kiss her and then it's kind of icky).
and how it's ha-ha-hilarious until you think about the fact that a 12 year old girl had it and all of the randoms wanting to kiss her and then it's kind of icky
Exactly! It's comedy, except it's not quite, and that child is incredibly lucky that the side effects weren't worse and that Ianto was on that collection team. :)
You know I just adore the stories where Ianto proves himself clever as Jack as well as kind, resourceful and deadly. I truly enjoyed this one with the promise of the new Torchwood and the effort and pain of the old Torchwood. You make me very happy cos you got what I love about this young man. Meeting him sitting next to Mr. Marsters was just about more than this old girl could tolerate...my face hurt for days cos I was grinning like a possum eating briars. Amazing actor.
Now I have to go back and reread this verse (oh what hardship!)
I loved all of it. It's kinda like a five things, in the way all of the pieces are their own touching, hearbreaking or comical moments but they add up the a whole that's greater than the sum of its parts.
Well now I feel rather silly because clearly the title is "Five Ways..." But hey, you managed to totally and completely evoke the spirit of the five things format even while your slighlty less traditional structure managed to fool oblivious dolts like me.
oh joy, rapture! I just finished rereading your fake third season, and now there's a new story for the straysverse.
Poor Jack. I love how fragile and broken he is in this storyline. He does get his Ianto back,but he's still so scared and wounded. The bit in his section where he "shrinks and shrivels" in Ianto's arms...
I liked all the sections. So difficult and painful, and life-goes-on & you gotta deal with it.
I just read this verse over the last two days. Brilliant. I love it. I love how REAL it is. There is stress, and angst, but an "appropriate" amount - realistic amount given the circumstances. I love Jack and Ianto, struggling as they do in their relationship - but sure in it also. And Ianto and Stephen are great. There are so many, many plusses.
Thank you! This 'verse is interesting to me in a "Haha, oh dear" fashion, because it hinged entirely on a one-word kinkmeme prompt. And then Eldar kept prodding me, and more stories kept falling out, and now it's a series, and I'm just, "Where did that come from?"
Comments 25
and how it's ha-ha-hilarious until you think about the fact that a 12 year old girl had it and all of the randoms wanting to kiss her and then it's kind of icky
Exactly! It's comedy, except it's not quite, and that child is incredibly lucky that the side effects weren't worse and that Ianto was on that collection team. :)
Thanks for reading!
I loved all of it. It's kinda like a five things, in the way all of the pieces are their own touching, hearbreaking or comical moments but they add up the a whole that's greater than the sum of its parts.
Poor Jack. I love how fragile and broken he is in this storyline. He does get his Ianto back,but he's still so scared and wounded. The bit in his section where he "shrinks and shrivels" in Ianto's arms...
I liked all the sections. So difficult and painful, and life-goes-on & you gotta deal with it.
Thank you. :) I figure this is about how he'd react, and keep reacting, completely messed up but going on anyway.
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