Great story! I liked both parts of it, and while the sex was very well written, I can't help thinking that a PG-13 version of this story (with the sex scenes faded out) would be a good thing too; that way the underage readers at can enjoy the story as well, particularly Flash's thoughts before and during the feast.
Agreed. Now, "Trashy Romance," we just wanted to get as many readers as possible, and at least we did point people to the uncut version. But this? Yours.
Oh, this is so well-written. The smut reveals character, and you have all kinds of good insights into all the characters, not just John and Shayera. Liked Batman trying to swap with J'onn for watch. Such a small throaway moment that speaks volumes.
John's conflict about needing to protect his home city was really interesting--you have that countered with Shayera's awareness of what she's really doing on earth and her sense of Hro watching her (that was so creepy). So they're very together and yet...not. Difficult, fascinating relationship.
Weird how this show works. There are enough hints and implications in the show that your expansion on that doesn't come out of nowhere. But a fic like this creates so many shadows and nuances, and I don't know if I'd see them without the fic.
I love these character so much. These two, especially (as you've possibly noticed), because there's so much going on with the baggage they're each bringing, and with the baggage they're placing onto the team just by being together. John has been conflicted about the Lantern thing (has it taken him too far away from his home?) since the second episode of the series. Shayera just has issues (in this case, guilt, and that's one that will become a constant companion). And it all makes me so happy.
Comments 24
John's conflict about needing to protect his home city was really interesting--you have that countered with Shayera's awareness of what she's really doing on earth and her sense of Hro watching her (that was so creepy). So they're very together and yet...not. Difficult, fascinating relationship.
Weird how this show works. There are enough hints and implications in the show that your expansion on that doesn't come out of nowhere. But a fic like this creates so many shadows and nuances, and I don't know if I'd see them without the fic.
I'm glad you liked the story.
You are NAUGHTY re: the title.
Very lovely.
Food = good...and I like how you write John and his grandma and relationships to food.
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