Title: Vacation
nancybrownFandoms: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Characters: Alice, Jenny
Rating: G
Summary: Drabble. Alice and Jenny are not good at taking time off.
A/N: Written for
halfamoon. For more drabbles with these two (and an explanation of what they're doing together) please see
"In My Unique Position."
They had intended this particular trip to be a holiday. Hilda, the ship's AI, said they needed a break, so Jenny pointed to a planet with a tropical climate, and Alice donned a bikini.
Jenny might have checked the timeline of the planet to find, for example, when the Civil War happened, and consequently not landed them in the middle of it. But then she wouldn't be Jenny.
Instead, Alice, still in her bikini, finds herself leading the resistance, while Jenny works with their scientists to prevent an oncoming environmental catastrophe, and honestly, holidays are clearly meant for other people.