Title: Underestimation
nancybrownFandoms: Doctor Who
Characters: Donna, Shaun
Rating: G
Spoilers: Up through "End of Time"
Summary: Drabble. Donna dreams.
A/N: Written for
Donna dreams of weird magical things. She blames Shaun for showing her too many "Lord of the Potter Trek" (or something) films, because it's all Spock and orcs jumbled around in her head at night. Shaun always patiently explains his favourites to her, but if her grandfather's there, he changes the channel and that ends that.
Bloody science fiction, anyway.
She won't talk about the rest of the dreams, where she's the one who saves the day, where her typing skills stop the villain in his tracks. That's just ridiculous, even to her own ears. Donna knows she's nothing special.