Title: One for Sadness, Two for Mirth
nancybrownRating: NC-17
Characters: Jack/Ianto/Lisa (past Ianto/Lisa/OFC)
Spoilers: up through CoE
Warnings: mention of bodily fluids associated with childbirth
Wordcount: 2300
Summary: PWP. There's a first time for everything. Part of the
Rabbit Hole AU, but knowledge of that universe is really not necessary
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Comments 49
Thank you. I shall reread tomorrow, slowly to savour it.
Hee! I've had this particular theory for a while in this 'verse, so I am glad it worked for you. :D :D :D
*is delighted you enjoyed your second present*
Jack sits up again, reaches for the duvet so they can all find warmth, and his face is far more naked than the rest of him. No. Not a contest, not a war, not squabbling over the man they both love (Jack's face, when he told his impossible story, and she knew then out of all the lies he could be telling, the one of omission was the worst). Jack is not intent on winning a prize. He's offering what he is, and she can read the tightly-held terror that, when dawn breaks, they will thank him for the evening's entertainment and turn him out.It is also touchingly right that this follows a birth (and Lisa's physical sensations are gorgeously mapped), and that it represents a recovery of something treasured and lost that she and Ianto had with Victoire. But of ( ... )
*grin* Exactly.
I'm glad the other details were effective. Lisa has gone through so many changes, and they're all going through so many more, and yeah.
Thanks for reading! You always leave the most lovely comments. :D
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