Title: Motto
nancybrownRating: R
Characters: Team
Spoilers: none
Warnings: contains language (I kill me.)
Wordcount: 250
Summary: "If it's alien, it's ours" doesn't cut it anymore.
A/N: You know those stories I post occasionally that I don't have any excuse for whatsoever except that they fell out of my head? This is one of those stories.
The fall of Torchwood London meant a new beginning for the rest of the Institute: new vision, new goals, and a new corporate motto. "If it's alien, it's ours" didn't apply when the acting head of Torchwood was born on another planet, and as one of their new goals was to locate and work with the elusive Doctor rather than capture and contain him, the old motto needed updating.
The remaining employees of the Institute (those who were not dead, missing, Retconned, retired, or under permanent psychiatric care) were polled informally for a new motto on a day when the head of the Institute was bored and had tired of throwing small desk items at his employees' heads.
"Everything changes," was considered too generic, as was, "You gotta be ready."
"Improving life on Earth, one discovery at a time," sounded good but was voted down on the grounds that none of them could honestly name a time when they'd improved things so much as tried to make them not suck more.
"Defending the Earth from alien threats," was cheesy but descriptive.
"The greatest job that'll destroy your faith in humanity and rip away everything you've ever loved," was voted down for its accuracy.
The matter was never satisfactorily settled, as the conversation was cut short by a police report about "hooligans in fancy dress" which almost always turned out to be aliens. The unofficial motto was coined in a mutter as they hurried out to the SUV:
"We're all fucked."