Title: When This Long Trick
kuroneko_tygerPairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: Up through COE
Warnings: some graphic descriptions of injuries, character death
Words: 18,700
eldarwannabe provided valuable help and suggestions, and
fide_et_spe and
amilyn brought it home.
Summary: Jack and Ianto are making a living as space pirates smugglers independent businessmen with a flexible approach to local laws, but working for their latest client could change everything, from their past to Jack's future.
AN: Written for the
ianto_bigbang, Jack/Ianto Minibang Track. Part of the
Intersections series. Familiarity with that series is not required to read this fic, but just in case there is a
guide for those who came in late.
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Art Master Post