Absolutely none of these are new. They're just pretty.
One of the pictures Ianto keeps in the basement for Lisa to look at. I love how goofy they are in this photo.
Lisa in her full "I'm going to assimilate you now!" cyberbikini awesomeness.
The official trading card from the Torchwood card set, circa "vision in the cells during End of Days".
Kissing! Basically, the moment Torchwood went from being a second-rate SF show starring pretty people to a second-rate SF show starring pretty people, all of whom were seriously broken and NOT OKAY. Cyberwoman may be a terrible episode, but it changed the show, and I just love this point right here, where the audience is going, "Wait, what?" and Ianto is going "Imma going to fix her and we will live happily ever after!" and Lisa's going, "You're going to look swell in a metal bikini of your own, sweetie."
It's kind of awesome.
Yeah, I'm cheating with this one. But I love the look on CC's face in this scene. <3