Title: First Loves
Author: nancygrew
Rating: G
Notes: Originally written for Fun Fic Friday on Lure_ATWT. Mid November, 2010
Summary: Luke and Reid are at a wedding reception
Reid and Luke were on the dance floor in the midst of other couples who were also attending the wedding reception of Katie of Many Husbands and Baboon Heart. Reid considered the entire wedding a travesty of the worst kind. Worse even than teaching creation “science” in public schools, pre-existing condition clauses and Hank’s usual sartorial choices. But being held closely by his delicious boyfriend while they swayed slowly? That was peachy keen.
“It was a lovely wedding ceremony,” murmured Luke while he nuzzled Reid’s cheek.
“I give it a year, year and a half tops,” replied Reid.
Luke laughed. “Maybe you should have included that in your wedding toast as one of Katie’s best men.”
“I still can’t believe that Hank and I both had to give speeches,” sniffed Reid. “You’d think that Katie would be sick of wedding toasts by this point in her life.”
“One should treat each wedding as though it’ll be one’s last,” said Luke with an air of wisdom.
“Is that from Emily Post or from Henry VIII?” asked Reid with a smirk.
“Fortunately for all of Katie’s past loves, she never went the decapitation route when it was time to move on,” grinned Luke.
“Chris’ toast to his bride was completely ridiculous,” groused Reid. “Katie was his first love, my ass.”
“I think I get what he meant, though,” said Luke. “I could look at Kevin as being my first love. I had all of these confusing lusty feelings but I also genuinely cared about him and felt like we had a real connection. But when I fell in love with Noah, I realized that Kevin was more of a crush.”
Reid raised a brow. “Are we really going to talk about your jerk ex?”
Luke was unperturbed and smiled. “And then later I fell in love with you and everything I feel for you is so much richer and more fulfilling than anything I had with Noah. Although I did love Noah, it wasn’t anything like the love I feel for you. It’s like comparing The Godfather Parts I and II to Eraserhead.”
Reid grinned. “You’re calling your relationship with Noah a nightmarish vision?”
“I was thinking more along the lines of it having been an important and valuable experience but maybe not one I would feel comfortable recommending to anybody else,” replied Luke. “It’s your turn. Tell me about your first loves.”
Reid rolled his eyes. “Always fishing for compliments, Luciano.”
“No, really,” said Luke. “I know that our relationship is every bit as important and special to you as it is to me. But there were at least a couple of men before me that really mattered, right? I want to know about all of the people that were important to you.”
Reid shrugged. “There were crushes when I was a teen but after that it was pretty much just men I had sex with sometimes.”
Luke rubbed his cheek against Reid’s. “I’m glad that you were free to fall in love with me when we met but I’m sorry that you spent so long alone.”
“I’m different from you, Luke,” said Reid. “I wouldn’t change meeting you and falling in love with you for anything in the world. But I don’t think I missed out on ‘being in love’ prior to you. I love my career and needed to devote all of my time and energy to it in order to become the best. And that was enough for me until I met you. I fell in love with youbecause I couldn’t resist you not because I needed to experience being in love with someone.”
“I’ve always wanted someone of my very own that I could love,” sighed Luke.
“When did you realize that you wanted the person to be male?” asked Reid.
“Looking back on it, I probably wanted to be more than roommates with Racer X from the Speed Racer cartoons,” blushed Luke.
“Better him than crushing on Papa Smurf, I guess,” replied Reid.