Title: Frankly, Holden, Reid Doesn’t Give a Damn
Author: nancygrew
Notes: Takes place mid November 2010. Written for Lure_ATWT's Fun Fic Fridays for the Prompt "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a dman".
Rating: G
Disclaimer: characters belong to ATWT
Summary: Reid Arrives at the Snyder Farm to pick up Luke for a date night
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I love the idea of Reid and Holden just being completely annoyed by one another for all eternity. I can't picture a scenario where the two of them ever becoming close; they're just too completely different.
Reid shrugged. “He’s pretty. I’m pretty. Chicago’s had a tough time, what with the Cubs and the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre and all. It deserves a break by us letting it see the synergistic results of our combined prettiness.”
Reid has a wonderful way of being as blunt and as honest as one can possibly be and it works quite well for him. So many people in Oakdale can use a bit of Reid's honesty, particularly Luke's parents.
Wonderful job.
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