First Meeting

May 02, 2012 00:26

Title: First Meeting
Author: nancygrew
Notes: Written for Lure_ATWT for Fill in the BLanks Tuesday. Takes place late January 2010.
Disclaimer: characters belong to atwt
Summary: Reid and Luke meet in person for the first time

Reid stormed down a hallway of Oakdull Memorial. He hated this hospital as much as he hated the entitled jerk that was responsible for him being here. The nurse who had given him directions had nearly burst into tears when approached. Sure, he didn’t really have to refer to her as ‘Nurse Not Doing Anything Else at the Moment’ but you’d think that a medical professional would be made of sterner stuff. Fortunately for the big crybaby whiner, he wasn’t in charge of this place.

Reid was going to give Mr. Money Bags a piece of his mind.

Reid had been expecting a wealthy businessman with slicked back hair and a fancy suit. Or a spoiled playboy with an open shirt and gold chains. Instead, there was a kid with floppy blond hair and a shirt from K-mart standing there. Reid had been infuriated when he found himself being toyed with by a Machiavellian socialite. Now that he knew he was being blackmailed by Opie Taylor? Man, was he pissed!

“Luke Snyder?”

“Dr. Oliver. You made it. I can not thank you enough----” OMG! Was Opie actually going to go with polite, ‘let’s pretend we’re at a tea-party’ type of chatter? The nerve!

“We both know why I’m here,” said Reid, pointedly ignoring Opie’s offered hand. “Let’s not pretend this is a normal consult.”

Reid was astonished to see the kid look embarrassed. What? Had Opie thought that they were going to be besties?

“Look, I . . . I’m sorry. I just felt that . . . “

“You felt that you could blackmail me. I’m curious, how much did it cost you to get dirt on me?”

Opie drew himself up and tried to justify his actions. “Dr. Oliver, I did not want to do it this way but you see . . . “

“What I see is a big fat silver spoon in your mouth and I hope you choke on it!” Reid had always prided himself on not kowtowing to the rich and powerful who believed that the world existed for their benefit. He loved that Opie looked shocked at Reid’s attitude. He surmised that given the fact that Opie was wealthy and pretty meant that he rarely didn’t get exactly what he wanted. Reid winced internally. He had not noticed that his nemesis was pretty.

“You have any idea how many people who actually wait their turn to see me? Who don’t feel that they deserve to move to the front of the line just because they were born with blue blood in their veins?” snarked Reid. Opie looked abashed. Since when was Evil capable of embarrassment? “What makes you think that Mr. Mayer is more deserving of my time than anyone else?”

“Well, he’s not. But, he’s the only person that I love that needs you,” said Opie sweetly. Reid licked his top lip.

“Crap, did I just run my tongue over my lip? Is he going to think I’m hot for him?” thought Reid.

“Well, I’m here,” grumbled Reid. “Thanks to you and your father’s corporate jet. Where’s the patient?”

Reid was startled to see Opie hem and haw. It didn’t make any sense. The kid had been so arrogant over the phone.

“Uh. Well, he should be here any minute."

“He should be?!?” WTF! Let’s turn my life inside out but let Blind Potential Patient show up when the mood strikes him? Was BPP busy getting his seeing eye dog washed?

“Yeah. I . . . I left him a message when I got confirmation that you were on the plane.”

“Okay, there’s a commercial flight that’s heading back to Dallas in an hour. I’m already booked on it. It was a displeasure meeting you Mr. Snyder.”

Reid watched as Opie sagged in relief at the sight of other people arriving. Reid watched Opie rush towards the new arrivals. To Reid’s eyes, Opie seemed desperate for approval from Blind Potential Patient.

“Noah! Noah! Why didn’t you call me when you got my message? Dr. Oliver is here.” Reid was secretly amused when Opie whispered to BPP that Reid was mad. Reid was standing a foot away from them. Did Opie really think that he wasn’t going to hear the ‘whisper’?

“Dr. Oliver?” asked BPP in a hesitant, or mentally challenged, voice. Like his boyfriend was some sort of monster who would lie to him about hauling the country’s finest neurosurgeon to Oakdull. Reid normally wasn’t interested in the relationships of others but the dynamic between these two was odd.

“Fifteen minutes."

Opie tried to enter the room with Reid and BPP. Oh, Reid so wasn’t going to put up with his pretty blackmailer horning in on his exam. “Alone.”

!author|artist: nancygrew, warning: noah-bashing, character: luke snyder, fan fiction, as the world turns, character: reid oliver, character: noah mayer, rating: g, pairing: luke/reid

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