groovcat had an awesome idea about listing your top ten favorite projects of the year. So here is my list of top ten favorites. . .
Mom-in-law's Family Chipboard album. . . it turned out so stinkin' cute. . . I think that I love it because I never would have chosen this theme or paper for myself. But since she is into the cowboy / western stuff, I made it for her. And I love how it worked.
My Peale Christmas cards. These took forever to finish but were so worth it in the end. I love that I have incorporated stitching into my work this year.
My bee page, because I am super, super proud of my photography on this one.
My thank-you cards because I am really proud of my use of recycled ribbon and the Cricut - cut sentiments.
My "me" page about turning 35 - my first use of silk flowers on a page, and the use of the Cricut letters again. And the stitching. This page has it all.
A card made with Cricut cut candy and ribbon - this one is just one of my favorites for this year because it was super simple and super fast - no planning went into it, it was just an accident. . . and yet I love it.
Tiffani's Altered Tin. I love it and I can't wait to do another one!
Nicolle's Christmas Wreath- which was also somewhat accidental and unplanned but just "happened" that way.
Ridon's Page - I love the quote title bar on the left. This was a technique that I picked up from an idea book this year and something that I would definitely like to do more of because it is interesting and fun.
My ABC scrapblog, which is my favorite of my Scrapblogs this year.