Title: Shift the World to Suit Us (001 - 010)
Fandom: Inception
Pairing: Arthur/Ariadne
Rating: PG-R
Word Count: bet. 200-400 words each
Summary: Careful the ones who twist and blur the edges of reality, for they will blur into each other as well.
There is music in his throat and he transcribes it against the inside of her wrists as if she's something fleeting and lovely, a song he'll forget like filigree curls of cigarette smoke if trusted to his memory alone. )
Comments 6
Thanks for posting though. These were lovely.:)
To be honest, I'm a real sucker for drabbles. They leave so much to imagination. My favorite ones are #2 and #9. Your descriptions are lovely as well.
Thank you for posting these. They really are quite magnificent.
and i read after the word "drabbles" and i was like "aaaahhhh... okayyyyy..." and i read it once again, and it's gorgeous :)
I love writing drabbles too, so it's a very good job!
Guh. Absolutely stunning. I love the placement of 10 and 4, too. These two little very real moments that are so solidly in their bodies when all around them the rest of the prose are so ephemeral.
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