I finally watched Darekiss and it wasn't on my computer. There is a movie festival going on where I live and Darekiss movie is being shown here :D So~ Saturday I was able to watch it in a big screen. Yay to Tego and Matsuyama Kenichi! *-*
''Now I'm pissed~!'' )
Comments 15
Uhmmm I'm bad at remembering actors names, but I'm guessing Matsuyama is 'Yuiji'?
LOL I swear Tegoshi's lovely use of English made me smile like a five year old. Hmmm I actually kinda liked his acting, mostly b/c it's off from the usual stuff he plays.
Maki's character def. was interesting, I kinda disliked her at a few points, but otherwise yeah I do agree, she played a different type of female from the usual. Which was really quite refreshing.
LOL at your life story! Of course it would include Shige!
ROFL YamaPi showed up alot didn't he? Maybe he really is jealous XD
Those were interesting titles you got!
Yeah, he didn't do the usual cute boy he does, but still as a lot of johnnys he looks fake and without depth. But it doesn't matter much for me, 'cause he seems to like a lot more singing than acting xD
You disliked her character or her acting? Because yeah, her character wasn't perfect, which I liked a lot. She didn't do the usual cute, innocent and righteous girl.
LOL It was fun to do it and make jokes about it. Yamapi def was jealous or else he wouldn't show up that much xD Still, Arashi showed up a lot and I didn't like it, I don't even have that much of songs from them. There's a lot more NEWS' songs than Arashi's in my Ipod.
I downloaded the softsubs by our late NEWShFAN, but I couldn't open the vids by the other girl who upload them. They were broken (or my computer sucks). I want to see it. T_T
A French team is currently subbing it, but it seems that it won't be release before the end of this year.
I downloaded the softsubs from newshfan too, but I still haven't watched it yet, so I don't know if it is works. But if you wants I can upload it for you.
I can't open the videos.
Get it here. It's the link Newshfan uploaded the subtitles.
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